Adams County Broadband Facts

Source: FCC Broadband Map ( using June 2021 Form 477 data. These figures only include broadband availability via fiber and cable modem, because current reporting methods overstate broadband availability--especially for fixed wireless and DSL. Data should be considered a starting point for discussions.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2020 American Community Survey 5-Year Data, available at These figures include those who subscribe to cable, fiber optic, DSL, satellite, fixed wireless subscription, or mobile broadband plans

Do libraries in Adams County have adequate broadband?

LibraryService Area
Maximum Download
Persons Per
Megabit Index
Does the Library
Apply for E-Rate?
Hastings Public Library30,970100.1 Mbps-1 Gbps31No

Source: Nebraska Library Commission. Public Library Survey 2022-2023 FY.
Note: Not all Nebraska libraries provided data to the Nebraska Library Commission.

Available at:

What can you do to improve broadband in your county or community?

Build Awareness. Community members, businesses and those living outside of city limits need to understand the importance of broadband and how new technologies can be utilized.

Form a Broadband Committee. Work with other interested community leaders to form a community or regional technology committee. Complete the Intelligent Community Checklist to assess your community, county or region.

Document Demand for Broadband. Understand how individuals and businesses are utilizing broadband and identify those interested in better service. Conduct a broadband household and business survey.

Review Local Permitting and Rights of Way Processes to make sure they are processed in a timely manner and are not unduly burdensome on telecommunications providers.

Talk to Your Local Providers. Ask your local providers about current service available, future plans and what can be done to encourage deployment.

Identify and Report Issues. Contact your local provider to report service issues. An online survey can be used to log service issues. The Public Service Commission may be able to help resolve issues.

Contact Local and State Officials to make them aware that your community wants better broadband or is running into particular issues. They may be able to help identify strategies and solutions.

Enhance Broadband in Libraries. The E-rate program can provide funding for library internet service and Wi-Fi. Libraries may also be able to partner with schools to improve library internet access.

Address the Homework Gap by implementing programs to provide internet access for students to complete homework. Examples include hot spot lending programs at the local school or library and Wi-Fi on buses.

Encourage Broadband Use. Classes at the local library or a maker space are great ways to help community members learn about new technologies


Encourage Public-Private Partnerships by:

Explore Forming a Broadband Cooperative. A broadband cooperative may have certain investment and tax advantages and may empower stakeholders to focus on solutions rather than problems.

For More Information, Contact:

Anne Byers
Digital Equity Manager/NITC Administrative Manager
Nebraska Information Technology Commission
Cullen Robbins
Nebraska Public Service Commission
Charlotte Narjes
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Becca Kingery
Education IT Manager
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Holly Woldt
Nebraska Library Commission
Roger Meeks
USDA Rural Utilities Service