Nebraska Library Directory
You can search by:
personal name, library name, city, OCLC symbol,
e-mail address, phone number--any directory
If using both first and last names, be sure to enter
last, first. For further information:
Directory Help,
Mailing Labels
Examples: Smith .......... finds all Smiths (also Smithers, etc.)
Smith, Jan ..... finds all Jan Smiths
College ........ finds all libraries whose name includes COLLEGE
Omaha PL ....... finds the Public Library for Omaha
This directory includes entries for directors and staff of all public, academic, school, special and institutional libraries in Nebraska. Also included are Educational Service Units, Library System staff, library trustees and friends, and Library Commission Board members. The directory is edited as updates are received--usually daily.
Please help us keep the Directory up to date:
corrections, updates, or comments here