Public Information and Communication
October 4, 2007
Mary Jo Ryan
Books Honored by Nebraska Center for the Book
The 2007 Nebraska Book Awards program, sponsored by the Nebraska Center for the
Book (NCB), recognizes and honors books that are written by Nebraska authors, published by Nebraska publishers, set in Nebraska, or concerning Nebraska. This
year's winners are:
Children/Young Adult:
Tomorrow the River, Dianne E. Gray,
Houghton Mifflin Company
Things We Don't Know We Don't Know, Matt Mason,
The Backwaters Press
The Floor of the Sky, Pamela Carter Joern,
University of Nebraska Press Flyover Fiction Series
The Cleanup, Sean Doolittle,
Bantam Dell, a Division of Random House, Inc.
The National Grasslands, Francis Moul,
Photography by Georg Joutras,
University of Nebraska Press Bison Books
Nonfiction Honor:
Toast to Omaha: A Cookbook,
Junior League of Omaha, Omaha Books
Things We Don't Know We Don't Know, Matt Mason,
The Backwaters Press
Award winners will be honored at the Nebraska Book Festival,
at a presentation in the Nebraska State Capitol Rotunda, at 11:00 a.m. on
Saturday, October 27. Books published in 2007 will be eligible for the 2008
Awards program. To receive notification of the 2008 Book Awards program, contact
Maria Medrano-Nehls,
402-471-2045 or 800-307-2665.
The Nebraska Center for the Book is housed at the Nebraska
Library Commission and brings together the state's
readers, writers, booksellers, librarians, publishers, printers, educators, and
scholars to build the community of the book, supporting programs to
celebrate and stimulate public interest in books, reading,
and the written word. The Nebraska Center for the Book is supported by the
Nebraska Library
As the state library agency, the Nebraska Library Commission is an
advocate for the library and information
needs of all Nebraskans. The mission of the Library Commission is statewide
promotion, development, and
coordination of library and information services, bringing together people and
information. The most up-to-date news releases from the Nebraska Library
Commission are always available on the Library Commission home page,, search on News Releases.