Public Information and Communication
April 5, 1999
Jo Budler
402-471-4031, 800-307-2665
Library Commission's 1999 NEBASE Advisory Council Elected
The Nebraska Library Commission's NEBASE Advisory Council has been elected for 1999. Established to serve as a channel for communication, delegates are elected for three-year terms by member libraries.
The representatives include Ella Jane Bailey, University of Nebraska, Omaha; Sandy Herzinger, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Love Library; Loralee Grabe, Creighton-Reinert Library; Jim Soester, Chadron State College; Jeanne Saathoff, Kearney Public Library and Information Center; Michele Parks, Regional West Medical Center; Jan Roth, American Historical Society of Germans from Russia; Becky Baker, Seward Public Library; Tom Boyle, Midland Lutheran College; and Ann Stephens, Keene Memorial Library (Fremont).
For more information about this council, including meeting minutes and reports, see the Library Commission home page at /, search on NEBASE Advisory Council.
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