What is Intellectual Freedom?
Intellectual Freedom is the right of every individual to both seek and
receive information from all points of view without restriction.
It is a fundamental concept on which libraries are built. It must
be addressed in policies in order to support the library’s position
as a defender of the rights of its community members as contained
in the First Amendment. Library trustees have a responsibility to
preserve intellectual freedom rights in the local public library.
This includes a citizen’s right to his/her own beliefs and expressions,
freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to access
a wide spectrum of ideas and information.
How is Intellectual Freedom Addressed in a Library?
Library board members have an obligation to ensure that the library
provides its users with a variety of materials representing a broad
range of viewpoints, regardless of pressure brought by special
interest groups. They must maintain an open, non-judgmental
institution where individuals can pursue their interests and
gain an understanding of diverse opinions. The test of a trustee’s
commitment to support freedom of access comes when faced with group
pressure, publicity, and community furor over material that is
not in accord with the trustee’s personal beliefs.
To prevent attempts at censorship, trustees must have
policies and procedures in place, plus an active
commitment to the ideas expressed in the
"The Library Bill of Rights",
the "Freedom to Read" and
"Freedom to View" statements created
by the American Library Association. Policies on the selection
of materials and development of the collection, plus a procedure
for dealing with citizen complaints, will allow the library to
be open to questions and concerns without accommodating censorship.
Here are some steps to take to prepare to defend Intellectual Freedom:
- Establish a written materials selection / collection development policy.
- Create a clearly-outlined method for handling complaints.
- Provide training for trustees and staff.
- Maintain active communication with civic, religious, educational and political groups in the community.
- Participate in presentations explaining the library’s selection principles.
- Be aware of legislation relating to intellectual freedom.
- Develop relationships with the media, who are also defenders of the freedom to read.
Here is a sample "Citizen’s Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials" form.
Additional Internet resources available from the American Library Association and Nebraska Library Commission are listed at the end of this page.
"Citizen’s Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials"
[This is where you identify who in your own structure,
has authorized use of this form–Director, Library Board–and
to whom to return the form. Example: The public library board
of Bookville Public Library has delegated the responsibility for
selection and evaluation of library resources to the library
director and has established reconsideration procedures to
address concerns about those resources. Completion of this
form is the first step in those procedures. If you wish to
request reconsideration of public library resources,
please return the completed form to the Public Library Director, Bookville, NE.]
Date ___________
Your Name ____________________________________________________
Your Address __________________________________________________
City ____________________________________
State ___________________________________
Zip ___________
Phone _(_____)__________________
Do you represent yourself? An organization?
1. Resource on which you are commenting:
____ Book ____ Textbook ____ Video ____ Display
____ Magazine ____ Library Program ____ Audio Recording
____ Newspaper ____ Electronic information/network (please specify)
____ Other ___________________________
Title ___________________________
Author/Producer ___________________________
2. What brought this resource to your attention?
3. Have you examined the entire resource?
4. What concerns you about this resource? (use other side or additional pages if necessary)
5. Are there resource(s) you suggest to provide additional information and/or other viewpoints on this topic?
Additional Resources
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created 2006; rev. 7/2015
For more information, contact
Holli Duggan