Nebraska Library Commission - Minutes
Nebraska Library Commission
January 4, 2008
The Nebraska Library Commission held its regular
meeting Friday, January 4, 2007, at the Nebraska Library Commission,
Lincoln, NE. Notice of the meeting was submitted to local
newspapers (Lincoln Journal Star, Omaha World Herald) and
posted on the Nebraska Library Commission Web site.
Dale called the meeting to order at
9:30 a.m. Members present: Jean Ahrens,
John Dale, Charles Gordon, Patrick
Gross, Mary Nelson, and Carol Spencer. Staff present: Rod
Wagner ,
Maria Medrano-Nehls,
Lisa Kelly
and Vern Buis.
Approval of
Agenda: A motion was made
and seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried on roll call vote: Jean Ahrens
- aye; John Dale - aye;
Gordon - aye; Pat
Gross - aye; Mary
Nelson - aye; and Carol Spencer
- aye. Motion approved.
Approval of the
Minutes (November 9, 2007): A motion was made and seconded to approve
the November 9, 2007 meeting minutes. Jean Ahrens
stated that there was a correction she would like made. Motion carried with
correction on roll call vote:
Dale - aye;
Gordon - aye; Pat
Gross -aye; Mary Nelson
- aye; Carol Spencer -aye; and Jean Ahrens - aye. Motion approved.
Katy Tooker, Eastern Library System Administrator, and
Brenda Ealey, Southeast Library System Administrator attended the meeting.
Kathy Tooker reported that the ELS is planning a full
day of library training on March 1, 2008, for metro area media specialists.
The six regional systems are collaborating to conduct an automation workshop
the latter part of January. A meeting will be held on February 29 at UNO
including representatives of libraries and organizations that provide
continuing education for librarians and media specialists. The meeting is
intended to seek collaboration in planning and scheduling educational
activities and maintaining a calendar of educational events for Nebraska
library workers.
Brenda Ealey stated that the Seward public library is
100% debt free after building their library 5 years ago. Brenda mentioned
that the University of Nebraska - Lincoln Libraries is facing a 20% cut in
its periodicals' budget. The UNL Libraries has not seen an increase in its
materials' budget for 12 years. The NLA Legislative Day is scheduled for
February 12.
Correspondence and Communication
Rod Wagner
reported that he received a letter from Lisa Olivigni, president of the
Nebraska Library Association, thanking the Commission for its support of the
October, 2008, NLA - NEMA joint conference. The Commission provided
financial support for several conference sessions including pre-conference
programs, and Commission staff were among conference presenters.
Chair's Report and
Commissioners' Comments
John Dale stated that he recently attended a Nebraska
Universal Service Fund Advisory Board meeting. The board is advisory to the
Public Service Commission. The major issue at the recent meeting was
properly funding distance learning education. The advisory board passed a
resolution recommending that the request made with regard to distance
learning be funded if at possible. The Public Service Commission staff feels
that this request can not be funded at this time without reducing funding
support for something else. John expressed that the legislature will likely
become involved in this issue at some point. John stated he attended the
fall colloquium hosted by the Eastern and Southeast Library Systems. Michael
Stephens was the colloquium speaker.
Charles Gordon reported that the Fremont public library
has outgrown its space. Library supporters are seeking a building addition
to meet library space needs. The library board will meet with city officials
on January 14 to consider plans and strategies for a library addition
including financial options from private and public sources. Fremont is
anticipating an expansion of 44,000 square feet with a cost of $9 to $11
million. The city gave the library $40,000 for architectural services.
Carol Spencer
reported that Joan Birnie, Broken Bow public library director, received the
NLA public library section's Excalibur award. The award was announced and
presented at the October NLA - NEMA conference. The Broken Bow public
library received a large endowment from a local citizen. The Broken Bow
library's teen program is going very well. The library has applied for a
youth services grant from the Meridian Library System in order to purchase a
Nintendo Wii game system for the teens. Carol stated that a recent
USA Today article reported that a
recent study showed that young adults, 19-30 years of age, are increasingly
noted for using the library.
Pat Gross reported that a member of a long-time Wayne
family has beneficiated $200,000 to be specifically used to purchase books
and periodicals for the public library. Pat stated that he's not sure how
the city will view this large amount of money for the library but the
library board will address the issue of private sources and public funding
when the time comes.
Mary Nelson reported that North Platte is completing
the public library's remodeling project. Mary
will be visiting McCook to see their Nebraska Memories setup. Michael
Sauers, Nebraska Library Commission staff, helped develop a new Web site for
the Republican Valley Library System. The Holdrege library and Holdrege
Chamber are collaborating on a Nebraska Memories project for their 125 year
celebration next summer. The library is also working with the community
college in their adult learning outreach program to develop One Book One
City-County for the 125 year anniversary celebration. The book chosen is
Timothy Egan's The Worst Hard Time.
Holdrege formed an ad hoc disaster committee that has been working
since the 2007 ice storm to upgrade the city's disaster response procedures
and materials. The library will present a booklet by the Council of State
Archivists on preserving historical records in hopes the city will work with
the library's friends group on a project.
Director's Report
Rod Wagner
noted an article included in the meeting documents -
Local Government Managers and Public
Libraries: Partners for a Better Community (International City/County
Management Association, 2007). The
article was sent to municipal government administrators to encourage
them to work closely and cooperatively with their public library director
and public library. Also distributed were documents regarding library
trustees and library friends' organizations and the most recent report for
the IMLS grant.
Personnel - Rod Wagner
reported that John Felton will join the Commission staff on January 7. John
was appointed to the research analyst position recently vacated with Cynthia
Taylor's departure.
Nebraska Library Commission Web site - Lisa Kelly and Vern Buis
reported on the Commission's Web site. Lisa stated that a Commission staff
team has been working on improvements to the Web site for the past few
years. The team has given priority to the underlying organization,
functionality and content. The team has investigated many other Web sites to
get ideas. The team has sought a
methodical development of the Web site rather than a quick fix.
Lisa stated that the team inventoried the entire Web
site which had 40,000 pages. They began looking at web pages that were no
longer needed. Vern Buis stated that he created metatags that will generate
a periodical reminder to the "owners" of the page to review content to
determine if it remains relevant.
Lisa stated that the Commission administers several
grant programs so a page was created with links to each grant to make it
easier to find grant information. They also developed a training portal so
that listings of all training events/workshops being offered by the
Commission can be accessed at one site. People can also register for the
training/workshop on the portal. The goal is to put like items together and
make the Web site easier to find the information sought. The team has sought
to divide the Web site into two different sites. One site will be specific
for the public and the other will be for librarians. Vern stated that the
public searches the Commission Web site looking for information about the
state's libraries. To address this, Vern developed a search engine so it can
detect requests for library information. A link to the requested library Web
site will show up at the top of the search results. Library information can
also be found by clicking on the homepage library directory tab.
Lisa stated that the Now Hiring @ Your Library Web site is one of the
upgraded Web site sections. The site lists library jobs available in
Nebraska and other places. The site also provides information about
scholarships and financial aid for library science education, along with
career information and mentoring. Library workers can also check their
continuing education record and their library board's continuing education
records. The Commission's Library 2.0 resources are included (Flickr,
Twitter, Wiki's, and Second Life). And an internet chat function is
Vern stated that a strong search engine is necessary to
make the Web site easier to find information. Many hours were spent
reviewing logs to see what kind of things people search for and what they
are finding or not finding. Based on this research, the search mechanism was
overhauled. Vern said that many
people visiting the NLC Web site are looking for legal information. Many
times they will enter words or statutes that won't result in a find so he
introduced logic into the search mechanism. This upgrade will allow a better
search result and provide several links that might provide the information
needed. People also attempt to search with numbers such an ISBN or phone
numbers so he introduced logic to the search engine that will recognize and
list several links to sites that might provide the information needed. If a
word used in the search is misspelled the search engine will find links to
what it thinks the word should be. If a search is made for what the search
engine believes is a government document or library science information it
will take them to the Commission's online catalog link. Vern noted that the
search engine is also set to recognize library acronyms.
Public Library Trustees, Library Friends and
Foundations - A document was distributed listing Commission activities
related to public library trustees, library friends and foundations and
listing potential further actions. Rod Wagner asked Commissioners to list
issues they felt the Commission should address including inviting officers
of the Nebraska Library Association, library trustees, and library directors
to a meeting to discuss some issues. Rod referred to an article from the
Friends of the Libraries USA (FOLUSA) newsletter which is sent to every
Nebraska public library. A recent newsletter included an editorial about
library friends, board members and trustees. Commission activities during
the past few years have included publication of a new library trustee manual
(in collaboration with the NLA Trustees, Users, and Friends Section; FOLUSA
statewide membership, regional dinner and dialogue sessions in partnership
with the NLA Trustees, Users and Friends Section (with invitations to
trustees, library directors, and municipal government officials); and Gates
Foundation training for public library staff and trustees. The library
trustees' topic will be on future Commission meeting agendas including the
March meeting in Kearney.
Library Science Education Scholarships - Rod Wagner
reported that the Commission awarded 24 scholarships during 2007: 3 LTA
students, 2 BLS students, 5 MLS students, and 14 MEd students for a total of
$52,500. The IMLS grant funds for the scholarship program will be coming to
an end later this year.
2008 Legislative Session - Rod Wagner mentioned that
the legislative session begins on January 7 and is expected to end
mid-April. Among many issues is the state budget surplus. Some of the
surplus is expected to be taken as a result of the formula for determining
public school aid. Application of the formula will result in a distribution
of $32 million more than expected in the coming fiscal year. A number of
states are reporting budget cuts as a result of economic factors.
One Book One Nebraska - Rod Wagner reported that this
year's book is Restoring the Burning
Child by State Poet William Kloefkorn. Mary Jo Ryan is working with the
University of Nebraska Press on publicity for the project. The Commission is
working with the University of Nebraska Press to produce an audio-book
version. The University of Nebraska Press is publishing a paperback edition
that will include a book discussion guide.
Future Search Conference Update - Rod Wagner stated the
conference will be held June 9 & 10. Planning committee members have
contributed recommendations for participant invitations. Their effort has
been to seek broad-based and geographical representation including
librarians, media specialists,
government officials, attorneys, teachers, school administrators, non-profit
organizations and community leaders. Invitations will be sent out soon for
the event.
November and December Financial Report - Rod Wagner
stated that the November financial report was included in the meeting
packet. Rod stated the December report was not available yet but would be
mailed to Commissioners once it is available.
FY 2008 LSTA Appropriation - Nebraska Allotment - Rod
Wagner reported that Congress enacted an omnibus appropriations bill at the
end of the year. One of the results was a reduction in the state programs
portion of the LSTA appropriation. While the official allotment figure is
not yet available, the estimate for Nebraska is $57,000 less than last
year's LSTA allotment. Last year's LSTA allotment was at slightly less than
the previous year.
Office Space Lease Update - Rod Wagner reported that
workstations on the first floor will be reworked. The workstations will
be new and will open up space for the walkway. New carpeting will be placed
in the central area. Many areas will be repainted and additional lighting
will be added to the lower level Crane room.
March Meeting with the State Advisory Council - The
joint meeting will be held in Kearney and will be held at the Law
Enforcement Center, Community Room. The Commission meeting will begin at
8:30 a.m. followed by the joint meeting with the State Advisory Council.
Marty Magee is the new chairperson for the State Advisory Council this year.
Customer service and marketing will be among the agenda topics.
State Advisory Council on Libraries Appointment - Rod
Wagner stated that Nancy Escamilla, Scottsbluff public library, has
completed her two terms. Wagner recommended that Debra Carlson, Children's
and Public Services Librarian for the Scottsbluff public library, be
appointed. Deb has agreed to serve if appointed. A motion was made to
approve the appointment of Debra Carlson to the State Advisory Council on
Libraries. Motion carried on
roll call vote: Charles Gordon - aye; Pat Gross - aye; Mary Nelson - aye;
Carol Spencer - aye; Jean Ahrens - aye; and John Dale - aye. Motion
Directors Annual Performance Review - Chair John Dale
will send a written performance review to Rod Wagner.
Adjournment - Chair John Dale adjourned the
meeting at 11:53.
Maria Medrano-Nehls, Secretary
All attachments are available upon request. If you would like a copy,
please contact Sue Biltoft at the Nebraska Library Commission,
800-307-2665 or 402-471-2045.