Nebraska Library Commission - Minutes
Nebraska Library Commission
July 11, 2008
The Nebraska Library Commission held its regular
meeting Friday, July 11, 2008, at the Nebraska Library Commission, Lincoln,
Nebraska. Notice of the
meeting was submitted to local newspapers (Lincoln Journal Star,
Omaha World Herald), and posted on the Nebraska Library Commission Web site.
Dale called the meeting to order at
9:30 a.m. Members present:
John Dale, Charles Gordon, Mary Nelson, and Carol
Spencer. Staff present: Rod Wagner, Maria Medrano-Nehls. Guest: Jenni
Puchalla, Southeast Library System.
Approval of Agenda:
A motion was made
and seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried on roll call vote: John
Dale - aye; Charles Gordon - aye; Mary Nelson - aye; and Carol Spencer -
aye. Motion approved.
Approval of the Minutes
(March 14, 2008): A motion was made and seconded to approve the
March 14, 2008 meeting minutes. Motion carried on roll call vote: John Dale - aye; Charles Gordon - aye; Mary Nelson -
aye; and Carol Spencer -aye. Motion approved.
Jenni Puchalla said she was interested in several
agenda topics and would share the information with the Southeast Library
System board.
Chair's Report and Commissioners' Comments
John Dale reported that he attended a Nebraska
Universal Service Fund Advisory Board meeting on April 29. John attended the
Nebraska Libraries Future Search conference on June 9 & 10, 2008, at Saint
Benedicts Center. John said that Lincoln City Libraries Foundation held a
fund-raiser luncheon. Harley Jane Kozak was the guest speaker. Ms. Kozak was
in Lincoln attending the Nebraska Summer Writers Conference at UNL. John
shared post cards of the Vancouver public library from his recent trip to
Mary Nelson reported that she attended and enjoyed the
Future Search Conference. Mary will be serving on the Future Search task
force. The Phelps County READS program has been completed and was very
successful. During Swedish Days there were 80 people for coffee at the
Holdrege public library. The Holdrege library hosted a discussion about the
"dust bowl" and the depression. A Humanities Council speaker brought
pictures and told stories of the depression; there were 70 people in
attendance for this program. The Holdrege library is now focusing on
Restoring the
Burnt Child, the current One Book
One Nebraska selection. Mary expressed the sense of loss with Sherry
Houston's departure from the Republican Valley Library System.
Carol Spencer reported a Wii game system has been
purchased and is in use at the Broken Bow public library. The Broken Bow
library's summer reading program is going well and includes activities for
children, teens and adults. Carol commented on a recent article published in
USA Today stating that Nebraska ranked second nationally with the
largest percentage of checkout of library materials to children.
Charles Gordon reported that the annual John C. Fremont
Days event is currently going on and that this event is listed among the top
100 crowd drawers. Charles stated that the effort to develop a county-wide
library program is facing obstacles. Many people attended a county board
meeting and supported the idea but the county board decided to place the
issue on the November election ballot. Charles stated that the Fremont city
council is considering an ordinance that would deny jobs, housing or medical
care to any illegal immigrant.
Director's Report
Rod Wagner distributed a document concerning the NLC
reference team's Twitter account showing questions that have been received.
The example reflects unusual and challenging questions that the reference
team responds to on a daily basis. Rod stated that meeting packets included
a letter from Senator Nelson responding to a request to support LSTA
Meeting packets also included a news release concerning
action by the U.S. House of Representatives in increasing funding for the
Library of Congress National Library Service for the Blind and Physically
Handicapped digital talking book program. If the Senate takes similar action
and funding is provided at the higher level, the new players and flash
memory cartridges will be supplied in higher numbers. More borrowers will be
served sooner. While the House action is encouraging, it is only one step in
the appropriations process.
Personnel - Rod Wagner stated that Devra Dragos has
been appointed to the Network Services Director position. John Felton has
been appointed to the Planning and Data Services Coordinator position. The
cataloger position remains open and is under recruitment due to Devra
Dragos' position change. The research analyst position will be open for
recruitment following John Felton's new appointment.
Statewide Open Source ILS Symposium - Rod Wagner stated
that the symposium was informative and well attended. The program is an
outgrowth of a very successful venture in the state of Georgia. Georgia has
had a statewide automated library system in place for a number of years with
most libraries participating. However, Georgia librarians grew dissatisfied
with vendor supplied systems and support. They sought to create and support
their own state developed integrated library system. Developers pursued an
open source approach which permits others to use the software and
participate in its development and use. Interest has grown and libraries and
consortia in other states and countries have been exploring and acquiring
the software. Mary Nelson asked for a short explanation of the program. Rod
stated the program is available for libraries to use and modify free of
charge for operating an integrated library system (library catalog,
circulation, and other automated functions). Nebraska libraries are being
recruited for a possible pilot project. The Nebraska Library Commission is
participating in discussions with other state and multi-state regional
networks for possible collaboration on open source initiatives.
Nebraska Library Future Search Conference - Rod Wagner
reported that the Future Search conference attendance was good with over 80
participants. There was a good mix of people representing libraries,
trustees, local government, school administrators, teachers, major nonprofit
organizations, Humanities Council, Historical Society, high school students,
library science students and others. Rod Wagner referred to a document in
the meeting packet listing project suggestions and ideas from Future Search
conference participants.
American Library Association Conference - Rod Wagner
reported on the recent ALA conference held in Anaheim, California. There
were approximately 22,000 people in attendance.
Among the many programs was a
symposium hosted by OCLC "Mixing it
Up: The Mashed Up Library." Mary
Beth Sancomb-Moran, a former Nebraska librarian, was on the symposium panel.
Mary Beth now works as librarian for the University of Minnesota in
Rochester, Minnesota.
Wagner stated that he attended several Friends of
Libraries USA (FOLUSA) sessions including the board meeting and a meeting
for discussion of the FOLUSA and Association for Library Trustees and
Advocates (ALTA) proposed merger. He was recently elected to the FOLUSA
board. In regard to the merger, the membership arrangements will remain the
same for both organizations and members will receive the same information,
publications and resources. A major goal for the merger is a significant
membership expansion with potential for reaching and involving thousands of
library trustees and friends. Sally Reed will be the organization's
executive director. The office will remain in Philadelphia, the location of
the current FOLUSA office. This is a good opportunity to make the best out
of two organizations that have a lot of significance to public libraries.
FOLUSA is also reaching out to colleges and universities and is looking
toward promoting organization of friends groups for school libraries. Among
FOLUSA's services is a literary landmark program. Several years ago the
Nebraska Center for the Book and the Cather Foundation arranged designation
of Willa Cather's home in Red Cloud as a literary landmark.
One Book One Nebraska Program - Rod Wagner reported
that a few weeks ago an e-mail was sent out inviting people to recommend
books for the One Book One Nebraska program. Within minutes Maria began
receiving recommendations. In addition, some author groups have expressed
interest in sponsoring the program in coming years.
Scholarships - Rod Wagner reported that the IMLS
Librarians for the 21st Century grant is coming to an end this
fall. During the last three years the Library Commission has awarded over
150 scholarships with most going to students in library science master's
degree programs (MLS and Masters of Education). Included are 28 in the
Library Technical Assistant program and 45 internships to high school and
college age students working in libraries. Over $300,000 in scholarships has
been distributed. A new grant application is due mid-December. If
successful, funds will not be available until fall 2009.
May and June Financial Reports - Rod Wagner stated that
expenditures for May and June are in line with the budget. The end of June
report (end of fiscal year) state general fund amount does not show as 100%
spent but encumbrances will account for most of any remaining fund state
fund balances. Federal LSTA funds are an estimate due to the difference in
the federal fiscal year (October 1 through September 30). The federal LSTA
appropriation will not likely be determined until after the November
Public Library Trustees' Projects - Rod Wagner referred
to two documents prepared by Richard Miller reporting on recent and on-going
public library trustee activities, including the recent spring Nebraska
Library Association section meetings.
2009-2011 Budget - Rod Wagner stated that state agency
budget requests are due on September 15. Among the budget options is funding
for support of the open source integrated library system project. Doreen Kuhlmann, Business Manager,
prepared a list of Department of Administrative Services fees that will
increase Commission costs in the 2009-11 biennium. The DAS fees will be
included in the budget request. Mary Nelson suggested that a breakdown be
provided to state senators listing state funds distributed to libraries in
their district. Commission members expressed interest in receiving updates
on budget preparation to be informed and better prepared for budget
discussions at the September meeting.
Wagner stated that the next Commission meeting is
scheduled for Friday, September 12, which places it very close to the budget
submission date on Monday, September 15.It was agreed by consensus that the September meeting be held on
Wednesday, September 10.
Election of Commission Chair - Charles Gordon nominated
Mary Nelson for the position of Commission Chair. The nomination was
seconded by Carol Spencer. Motion carried on roll call vote: Mary Nelson -
aye; Carol Spencer - aye; John Dale - aye; and Charles Gordon - aye. Motion
Election of Commission Vice-Chair - Carol Spencer
nominated John Dale to serve as Commission Vice-Chair. The nomination was
seconded by Mary Nelson. Motion carried on roll call vote: Carol
Spencer-aye; John Dale - aye; Charles Gordon - aye; and Mary Nelson - aye.
Motion approved.
Out-of-State-Travel Request - Rod Wagner requested
approval to attend COSLA and Western Council of State Libraries meetings in
Jackson, Mississippi October 5-9, 2008. A motion was made and seconded to
approve the Directors travel request. Motion carried on roll call vote: John
Dale - aye; Charles Gordon - aye; Mary Nelson; and Carol Spencer - aye.
Motion approved.
Director's Salary - Rod Wagner reported that
non-contract state employees received a 2% pay increase beginning July 1,
2008. Rod requested the Commission increase his salary by 2% in accord with
current pay policies for non-contract state employees. A motion was made and
seconded to approve the Director's 2% salary increase effective July 1,
2008. Motion carried on roll call vote: Charles Gordon - aye; Mary Nelson -
aye; Carol Spencer - aye; and John Dale - aye. Motion approved.
Chair John Dale adjourned the meeting at 11:28 a.m.
Maria Medrano-Nehls, Secretary
All attachments are available upon request. If you would like a copy,
please contact Sue Biltoft at the Nebraska Library Commission,
800-307-2665 or 402-471-2045.