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Nebraska Library Commission - Minutes

Nebraska Library Commission

November 14, 1997


The Nebraska Library Commission held its regular meeting Friday, November 12, 1997, at 9:30 a.m. at the Nebraska Library Commission, The Atrium, 1200 "N" Street, Suite 120, Lincoln, Nebraska. Notice of the meeting was submitted to local newspapers (Lincoln Journal-Star, Omaha World Herald, and posted on Nebrask@ Online



Chair Karen Warner called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Members present: Karen Warner, Frances Lovell, Robert King, Jean Sanders and Katherine Fletcher. Staff present: Rod Wagner, Nancy Busch and Elaine Miller.

Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Jean Sanders and seconded by Katherine Fletcher to approve the agenda. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; Sanders-aye; Norman-absent; Warner-aye; Fletcher-aye; King-aye.

Approval of the Minutes of the September 12, 1997 meeting: It was moved by Frances Lovell and seconded by Jean Sanders to approve the minutes of the September 12, 1997 meeting. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; Sanders-aye; Norman-absent; Warner-aye; Fletcher-aye; King-aye.


There were no public representatives in attendance at the time of this agenda item.


There were no correspondence or other communications items.


Karen Warner reported that she had attended two conferences since the last Commission meeting. The American Association of Women and Community Colleges Conference in Sidney, NE, and the NLA-NEMA Conference in Omaha. Jean Sanders has a book contract from a publishing company to write a book for sixth grade children on "Notable Nebraskans." Frances Lovell thanked Richard Miller for attending the Panhandle Library System's Annual Meeting. Laureen Riedesel, Director of the Beatrice Public Library, joined the meeting at this time.


Personnel Update: Currently underway are interviews for two positions at the Library Commission. The Cataloger position and the OCLC Services Coordinator position. A decision on candidates for these positions is expected soon. Maria Ford has joined the Talking Book and Braille Service staff as a Cassette Maintenance Clerk.

Nebraska Library Commission's "Electronic Library": The Nebraska Library Commission's World Wide Web home page was recognized and featured in a recent periodical of Government Computer News/ State & Local.

Governor's Mansion Library Project: Shirley Arthur, Director of the Governor's mansion, requested the help of Library Commission in updating the library at the Governor's mansion. A new space for the library will be provided in the mansion. The Nebraska Center for the Book, the Library Commission and mansion staff will be working with Governor & Mrs. Ben Nelson to acquire new material by Nebraska authors and books on Nebraska for the Governor's mansion library.

Sandra Nelson and "Reaching Common Ground" Project: Library Commission staff has been working with Sandra Nelson, Assistant State Librarian of Tennessee on a project to improve communication and collaboration between Commission staff and regional library system staff. Sandra is nationally recognized for her work in planning and evaluation and is currently chairing an American Library Association committee that is updating a public library oriented planning process. Total expenses for Sandra's work are not to exceed $4,800.

Gates Library Foundation: An announcement was recently made on the funding that will be available to libraries through the Gates Library Foundation. Initially, funding will be targeted at poverty areas in the country. Nebraska, along with a number of other states, does not fall under the Foundation's criteria for the first round of grants. Nebraska has benefited from the forerunner to the Foundation, the Libraries Online grant program. Allana Novotny has written a report on the Libraries Online grants and the libraries that received them. (Attachment I.)

NLA - NEMA Conference Report: The Nebraska Library Commission's exhibit booth received a lot of visitors at the NLA - NEMA Conference. There has been some staff discussion concerning the Commission's involvement in the 1998 conference to be held in Grand Island.

General Affairs Committee Interim Study Hearing: On Tuesday, November 18, the Legislature's General Affairs will hold their Interim Study Hearing on public library issues. The Hearing will cover public library governance, finance with special interest on the property tax and budget lids that were set by the Legislature over the last two years. The Public Library Profile (1995-96 data)was handed out to the Commissioners.

School and Library Telecommunications Services Discounts: Rod Wagner and Ellen Van Waart have completed six workshops around the state on the Universal Service Fund telecommunication discounts for schools and libraries. The workshops were intended to provide updates and review of the application process to help libraries apply for the telecommunications services discounts. Draft application forms have been received by the Library Commission. The Web site that will be set up by the federal agency created to post application information for vendors to bid should be available by the middle of December. Information must be posted for a minimum of four weeks before a school or library can submit the second part of the application and actual placement of an order for a service. The Federal Communications Commission has modified the first-come first-serve requirement somewhat and now they will allow a seventy-five day period in which to receive applications. Any application received within that period will be considered equally. The four week period for posting the application information on the Web site is part of the seventy-five day period, the rest of the period will be for submitting the actual order.

The Nebraska Library Commission intends to file a state application to cover basic telecommunication (e.g., voice and Internet service).

The Federal Communications Commission has adopted the Federal school lunch program as the criteria to determine the discount rate of from 20 - 90%. A table has been set up and based on the percentage of students eligible for participation in the Federal school lunch program is the basis for the discount. Many Nebraska libraries should qualify for at least a 50 percent discount.

Roles and Functions of State Library Agencies: A team of consultants is putting together a new approach to roles and functions for state library agencies to be available by May, 1998. In the past, only standards for state library agencies were available. The Roles and Functions will differ in its approach and should be a more useable resource for state library agency planning and evaluation. A list will be available soon which compares the functions of the fifty state library agencies.

Nebrask@ Online: The State Records Board issued a request for proposals for Nebrask@ Online. The proposals were due the middle of October. They received only one proposal. The lone proposal was submitted by Nebrask@ Interactive, the current Nebrask@ Online network manager.


September and October Financial Report: The September and October, 1997, Expenditure and Financial Reports were received and reviewed by the Commissioners. (Attachments II & III.) A report on Federal funds and a proposal for the use of those funds will be prepared for the January Commission meeting.


Internet Policy: It was moved by Jean Sanders and seconded by Katherine Fletcher to approve the Internet Policy as presented. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; Sanders-aye; Norman-absent; Warner-aye; Fletcher-aye; King-aye. (Attachment IV.)


Fiscal Year 1999 Deficit Budget Request: It was moved by Katherine Fletcher and seconded by Jean Sanders that the Fiscal Year 1999 Deficit Budget Request be approved as presented. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; Sanders-aye; Norman-absent; Warner-aye; Fletcher-aye; King-aye.

State Advisory Council on Libraries Appointments: It was moved by Frances Lovell and seconded by Robert King to approve the re-appointments to a three year term (second term): Devra Dragos, Librarian, Health and Human Services System, State of Nebraska; Sylvia Person, Media Specialist, Holdrege Public Schools; Troy Strom, City Administrator, Ashland; Kathy Tooker, Administrator, Eastern Library System; Richard Voeltz, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Love Library; Jeanne Saathoff, Director, Kearney Public Library and Information Center; and for appointment to a three year (first term): Jane Wall, Media Specialist, Grand Island High School; Wally Seiler, Alliance Public Library Board member. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; Sanders-aye; Norman-absent; Warner-aye; Fletcher-aye; King-aye.

Nebraska Center for the Book Proposal for Staff Support: It was moved by Jean Sanders and seconded by Frances Lovell to permit the Nebraska Library Commission staff to move forward with negotiations to provide staff support and to serve as the host site for the Nebraska Center for the Book, with an assessment of the arrangement in November, 1999. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; Sanders-aye; Norman-absent; Warner-aye; Fletcher-aye; King-aye.

January Commission Meeting: The January Commission meeting was moved from Friday, January 16, 1998 to Thursday, January 15, 1998.


It was moved by Robert King and seconded by Katherine Fletcher to adjourn the meeting at 11:05 a.m. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; Sanders-aye; Norman-absent; Warner-aye; Fletcher-aye; King-aye.

Elaine Miller, Secretary

All attachments are available upon request. If you would like a copy, please contact

Elaine Miller at the Nebraska Library Commission, 800-307-2665 or 402-471-2045 or

Attachment I - Report from Allana Novotny on the Libraries Online Grant

Attachment II - September Financial Report

Attachment III - October Financial Report

Attachment IV - Internet Policy

All attachments are available upon request. If you would like a copy, please contact Sue Biltoft at the Nebraska Library Commission, 800-307-2665 or 402-471-2045.

For more information, contact Sue Biltoft.