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Nebraska Library Commission - Minutes

Nebraska Library Commission

January 15, 1998


The Nebraska Library Commission held its regular meeting Thursday, January 15, 1998, at 9:30 a.m. at the Nebraska Library Commission, The Atrium, 1200 "N" Street, Suite 120, Lincoln, Nebraska. Notice of the meeting was submitted to local newspapers (Lincoln Journal-Star, Omaha World Herald), and posted on the Nebraska Library Commission Homepage.


Chair Karen Warner called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Members present: Karen Warner, Frances Lovell, Robert King, Jean Sanders and Ron Norman. Staff present: Rod Wagner, Nancy Busch and Elaine Miller.

Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Ron Norman and seconded by Frances Lovell to approve the agenda. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; Sanders-aye; Norman-aye; Warner-aye; King-aye.

Approval of the Minutes of the November 14, 1997 meeting: It was moved by Jean Sanders and seconded by Robert King to approve the minutes of the November 14, 1997 meeting. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; Sanders-aye; Norman-aye; Warner-aye; King-aye.


There were no public representatives present.


A letter from Diane Frankel, Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services, concerning the LSTA program was received and reviewed by the Commissioners. This is the Library Commission's first grant award under the LSTA. (Attachment I) A comparison of what each state receives in LSTA funding was also presented to the Commissioners. (Attachment II). LSTA state allocations are awarded according to population of the state or territory.


Karen Warner reported that at the next Commission meeting she will bring the PowerPoint presentation that she did for the Board of Governor's. The presentation is based on Northeast Community College Library Resource Center Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.


Personnel: Annie Sternburg is back from family leave following the birth of her twin sons. Kandi Gordon Thomas is presently on family leave following the birth of a daughter.

Devra Dragos began work at the Library Commission on December 8, 1997, as the OCLC Member Services Coordinator. Kimberly Shelley has accepted the position of Cataloger and will begin her new position on January 20, 1998.

One position is still vacant at the Library Commission. A job description is being developed for the position for posting and recruitment.

Facility Planning Update: Nancy Busch gave a report on water leakage in the Talking Book and Braille Service stack area and the area where the Telex machine is located. Three different options are being considered to move the Talking Book and Braille Service stack area to a different area. The Telex machine in the lower level was ruined by a leak from a first floor restroom. An alarm is being placed on a sump pump over the Telex machine to notify Pacific Realty of any problem with leakage. The alarm will allow sufficient warning and time to correct any problem before leakage. A new Telex machine has been ordered and will be paid for by the realty company.

Also being addressed is the air quality in the Library Commission space. The fresh air intakes for the building are in the alley. When trucks are left parked in the alley with motors running, diesel fumes are coming in the fresh air intakes. While the air is filtered, there is still an odor. The fresh air intakes will be moved up fifteen feet The alley also need's resurfacing and a problem exists for the mail truck getting into the alley to deliver NLC mail.

ALA Midwinter Conference and COSLA meeting: The American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meeting in New Orleans just concluded a few days ago. Rod Wagner attended the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies (COSLA) meeting before the ALA Conference. New guidelines and statements of roles for state library agencies are being published and should be ready by June. The Annual ALA Conference will be held in Washington, D.C. in June, 1998.

The Library of Congress will be celebrating its bicentennial year in 2000. A number of activities are being prepared and the Library of Congress would like to include local libraries, States, State Library Associations and State Centers for the Book in their activities.

Universal Service Fund School and Library Telecommunications Discounts: There is opposition to the Telecommunications Discount Program by some telecommunication companies which feel that they are being unfairly taxed to supply funds for this program. The Chair of the Senate committee that oversees the Federal Communication Commission has been critical of the program, and he intends to hold hearings sometime in February or March. Concern was expressed that changes may be made to the program that would substantially reduce the benefits of this program.

The Library Commission has collected technology plans from public libraries. NLC is preparing to submit an application on behalf of those libraries for the discounts. After the application is filed the Commission is arranging two televideo conference sessions, at various locations, so that libraries can receive further details, information and instructions on completing the application process.

Rod Wagner has been appointed to the Universal Service Advisory Board. Members are appointed by the Public Service Commission. The Advisory Board will replace the Universal Service Fund Task Force. The Board will advise the Public Service Commission on policies related to administration of the Universal Service Fund including telecommunications discounts for schools, libraries, and rural hospitals, as well as access charges, and programs to support access to services by low income and other special needs persons. The first meeting of the Advisory Board will be held on February 9th. Alan Wibbels and Rod Wagner will give an update on the school and library discount program at the first meeting.

Nebraska Center for the Book: A meeting of the Center for the Book board will be held on February 7th. The Commission has received the mailing list for the Center for the Book and Mary Geibel is incorporating the membership list into the Commission's master name and address database.

Nebraska Information Technology Commission: The Governor recently created, by Executive Order, a new Information Technology Commission. Legislation has also been introduced to provide additional specifications for the Commission. The Nebraska Library Association supports a specific library representative to be on the Commission. Under the Information Technology Commission there are to be three councils: Government, Education, and Community. The Governor has asked the Nebraska Library Association to select a library representative to serve on the Community Council. The Commission believes there should be a library representative on each of the Councils, and will advocate that position.

Nebraska Library Commission Centennial Year (2001): The Nebraska Library Commission will have its Centennial Year in 2001. Nancy Busch has been tracking down and identifying historical materials. An archive area will be set up on the second floor by the Pelican Room to organize documents we have now. Several staff members and people from outside of the Commission have volunteered to serve on a committee to start planning the Centennial. A planning group will be organized this spring to plan events for the centennial year.


November and December Financial Report: The November and December 1997 Expenditure and Financial Reports were received and reviewed by the Commissioners. (Attachments III & IV.)


State Advisory Council on Libraries Appointments: It was moved by Jean Sanders and seconded by Frances Lovell to appoint Mo Khamouna, Library Director, Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture and Tom Schmitz, Librarian, Lincoln Regional Center, to the Nebraska State Advisory Council on Libraries. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; Sanders-aye; Norman-aye; Warner-aye; King-aye.

LSCA/LSTA Grant Funding: In recent years most of Nebraska's federal grant funding has been distributed under the LSCA Title II Construction and Technology Funds. The LSTA allows more flexibility, although its primary purpose is in support of technology related uses. Funding may be used for other purposes as well, if they are consistent with LSTA and the NLC Long Range Plan. The State Advisory Council on Libraries continues to be involved in recommendations, goals and activities related to LSTA grant funding. Another issue of the previous federal library program (LSCA) was that it was largely targeted toward public libraries. The new LSTA allows for participation of all types of libraries. It was moved by Ron Norman and seconded by Robert King to approve the Nebraska LSTA Grants Program as presented. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; Sanders-aye; Norman-aye; Warner-aye; King-aye. (Attachment V)


State Advisory Council on Libraries 1997 Annual Report: Jean Saathoff did an excellent job serving as Chair of the State Advisory Council on Libraries in 1997. The Council was involved in discussions of the new Long Range Plan, the Libraries for the 21st Century Initiative with the Legislature, updating of the Council by-laws, and advocating library interests on other state and federal legislation.

March Commission and State Advisory Council on Libraries Meeting: It was moved by Frances Lovell and seconded by Jean Sanders to hold the March meeting with the State Advisory Council on Libraries in Kearney at the Ramada Inn on March 19 and 20, 1998. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; Sanders-aye; Norman-aye; Warner-aye; King-aye.

1998 State and Federal Legislative and Budget Issues: The Library Commission will continue to follow the American Library Association (ALA) Washington office when they need assistance. ALA has asked for help on copyright legislation. Legislative Day at the Library Commission is scheduled for February 11.

LB 314 Requirements: Information concerning LB 314, enacted by the Legislature during the past legislative session, was included with meeting materials. This new law establishes new requirements and procedures for the evaluation of the heads of state boards and commissions.

Director's Performance Review: It was moved by Frances Lovell and seconded by Jean Sanders to retain Rod Wagner as Director of the Nebraska Library Commission with an above expectation rating on his evaluation and with a pay raise to equal that of state employees on July 1, 1998. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; Sanders-aye; Norman-aye; Warner-aye; King-aye.

Out-of-State Travel Request: It was moved by Ron Norman and seconded by France Lovell to approve the out-of-state travel requests for Rod Wagner to attend the Western Council of State Libraries meeting in Kansas City, Missouri, from March 8-10, 1998, and the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies meeting and National Library Legislative Day in Washington, D.C. from May 2-5, 1998. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; Sanders-aye; Norman-aye; Warner-aye; King-aye.


It was moved by Jean Sanders and seconded by Robert King to adjourn the meeting at 11:17 a.m. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; Sanders-aye; Norman-aye; Warner-aye; King-aye.

Elaine Miller, Secretary

All attachments are available upon request. If you would like a copy, please contact

Elaine Miller at the Nebraska Library Commission, 800-307-2665 or 402-471-2045 or

Attachment I - Letter from Diane B. Frankel, Director of Institute of Museum & Library Services

Attachment II - LSTA State Program Funding for Fiscal 1998

Attachment III - November Financial Report

Attachment IV - December Financial Report

Attachment V - Nebraska's LSTA Grants Information for the 1998 Grants Program

For more information, contact Sue Biltoft.