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Nebraska Library Commission - Minutes

Nebraska Library Commission

March 14, 1997


The Nebraska Library Commission held its regular meeting Friday, March 14, 1997, at 8:00 a.m. at the Kearney Public Library and Information Center, 2020 First Avenue, Kearney, Nebraska. Notice of the meeting was submitted to local newspapers (Lincoln Journal-Star, Omaha World Herald), and posted on the Nebraska Library Commission Homepage.


Chairman Ron Norman called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. Members present: Ron Norman, Karen Warner, Jean Sanders, Frances Lovell. Staff present: Rod Wagner, Nancy Busch, Elaine Miller and Ellen Van Waart. Guests present: Kathy Tooker, Maggie Harding, John Dale and Roger Adkins.

Rod Wagner reported that a new commissioner from the Eastern Library System area has been appointed by the Governor, Katherine Fletcher from Omaha, NE.

Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Jean Sanders and seconded by Frances Lovell to approve the agenda. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; McPherson-absent; Sanders-aye; Norman-aye; Warner-aye; Fletcher-absent.

Approval of the Minutes of the January 10, 1997 meeting: It was moved by Karen Warner and seconded by Frances Lovell to approve the minutes of the January 10, 1997 meeting. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; McPherson-absent; Sanders-aye; Norman-aye; Warner-aye; Fletcher-absent.


Ellen Van Waart thanked the Commissioners for their letter of support on the revised Accreditation Guidelines project.


Ron Norman received a letter from the Nebraska Humanities Council thanking Rod Wagner for his help with the Circle Project, connecting immigrants and refugees in a collaborative learning effort. Rod was involved with the project as part of a team that planned and provided training for study circle leaders who will lead discussions on cultural issues.


Ron Norman gave a report on the crane viewing last night, it was a very good viewing but was a bitterly cold evening.


CLIP Process: The CLIP process has moved forward. Of 106 letters sent out to libraries asking them to apply for supplemental funding, 55 libraries responded. Supplemental funding of $600 will be given to each of the 55 libraries.

Status of Personnel Reclassifications: The status of personnel reclassifications has yet to be decided. The reclassification project has been going on for approximately two years. A report is expected from the DAS Personnel Division, to include salary survey data collected for analysis of the NLC request.

Position Vacancies and Recruitment:. A meeting for selecting candidates for refilling the Library Commission Cataloging position is to be held next week. The position of Library Development Director has also been posted and will remain open until the end of March. The position of Public Library Development Coordinator will remain unfilled until the position of Director of Library Development is filled. The job description for the Library Development Coordinator will probably be rewritten after the Director of Library Development position is filled.

Farmer's Mutual Lawsuit: The lawsuit with Farmer's Mutual Insurance Company has been pending for nearly two years. The District Court trial is scheduled to begin in Lincoln on Monday, March 17 and will run through Tuesday, March 18, 1997.

LB's 590 and 792 (re: electronic access to public records): The court decision from the Farmers Mutual Lawsuit could influence LB 590 and 792. There is concern that a ruling by the court on public records issues could have significant implications throughout state government. LB 590 and LB 792 are the two public record bills that would resolve this issue in one manner or another. LB 590's intent is to continue the online services that are currently in place, either through the current network manager, or through selection of a network manager through a competitive bid process. Senator Withem is the primary sponsor and has adopted LB 590 as his personal priority bill. LB 590 sets aside a specific representative on the State Records Board to represent Libraries.

The General Manager's Reports for Nebrask@ Online January and February, 1997 were received and reviewed by the Commissioners. (Attachments I and II.)

LB 250 (public library laws revision): LB 250 is on final reading.


January and February Expenditure and Financial Reports: The January and February, 1997 Expenditure and Financial Reports were received and reviewed by the Commissioners. (Attachments III and IV.)


There was no unfinished business.


Out-of-State Travel Requests: It was moved by Jean Sanders and seconded by Karen Warner to approve the out-of-state travel requests of Rod Wagner to attend the Chief Officers of Library Agencies (COSLA) meeting and National Library Legislative Day in Washington D. C in May 4 through the 6th. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; McPherson-absent; Sanders-aye; Norman-aye; Warner-aye; Fletcher-absent.

Jean Sanders moved and Frances Lovell seconded to approve the out-of-state travel request for Karen Warner to attend National Legislative Day in Washington, D. C. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; McPherson-absent; Sanders-aye; Norman-aye; Warner-abstain; Fletcher-absent.

Mr. Norman requested that Rod Wagner prepare a draft travel policy statement for review with the Chair, and for consideration at the next Commission meeting.


It was moved by Frances Lovell and seconded by Karen Warner to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 a.m. Motion carried on roll call vote: Lovell-aye; McPherson-absent; Sanders-aye; Norman-aye; Warner-aye; Fletcher-absent.

Elaine Miller, Secretary

All attachments are available upon request. If you would like a copy, please contact Elaine Miller at the Nebraska Library Commission, 800-307-2665 or 402-471-2045.

Attachment I - General Manager's Report for Nebrask@ Online, January 1997

Attachment II - General Manager's Report for Nebrask@ Online, February 1997

Attachment III - January Expenditure Report

Attachment IV - February Expenditure Report

For more information, contact Sue Biltoft.