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Nebraska Library Commission - Minutes

Nebraska Library Commission
May 10, 1996

The Nebraska Library Commission held its regular meeting Friday, May 10, 1996, at 9:30 a.m. at the Nebraska Library Commission, The Atrium, 1200 ";N "; Street, Suite 120, Lincoln, Nebraska. Notice of the meeting was submitted to local newspapers (Lincoln Journal-Star, Omaha World Herald), and posted on Nebrask@ Online .


Chairman Ron Norman called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Members present: Ron Norman, Dr. Robert McPherson, Tom Harvey, Jean Sanders, Frances Lovell, Myrna Vollbrecht. Staff present: Rod Wagner and Elaine Miller. Guests present: Andy Cunningham and Lyn Heaton.

Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Robert McPherson and seconded by Jean Sanders to approve the agenda. Motion carried on roll call vote: Sanders-aye; Vollbrecht-aye; Lovell-aye; McPherson-aye; Harvey-aye; Norman-aye.

Approval of the minutes of the March 15, 1995 meeting: It was moved by Tom Harvey and seconded by Jean Sanders to approve the minutes of the March 15, 1996 meeting. Motion carried on roll call vote: Sanders-aye; Vollbrecht-aye; Lovell-aye; McPherson-aye; Harvey-aye; Norman-aye.


The Chairman asked if anyone would like to address the Commissioners to do so at this time. Ron Norman, Chairman, read a Resolution thanking Tom Harvey for his years of service as a Commission member and his contributions to the Nebraska Library Commission. It was moved by Jean Sanders and seconded by Myrna Vollbrecht to approve the Resolution. Motion carried. Rod Wagner presented Tom Harvey with the book ";Nebraska A Photographic Celebration ".


There was no correspondence or communications .


Ron Norman congratulated Rod Wagner on his contribution to the Nebrask@ Online fees schedule.


National Legislative Day and Federal Legislation: Rod Wagner attended the Chief Officers of State Libraries Agencies meeting on Sunday, May 5, 1996. Rod Wagner and Lon Dickerson, Omaha Public Library Director, attended a full day workshop Monday, May 6, 1996 on legislative issues held at the District of Columbia Public Library. Mr. Wagner and Mr. Dickerson visited each of the Nebraska Congressional offices on Tuesday, May 7. On Monday evening, May 6, 1996, the American Library Association-Washington office was honored for its 50th anniversary, as were Congressional leaders and others who have contributed to federal library program legislation.

State Legislation re Property Taxes and Local Government Budgets: The Legislature enacted a set of bills that relate to property taxes and local spending limits. Over the next couple of years this legislation will have a significant impact on local governments, their budgets and what services receive funding. Some provisions start the next budget year with a 2% budget limit and a zero percent increase for the following year. In 1998, the property tax provisions take effect. The Legislature did adopt an interim study resolution that will continue to provide a forum for libraries to present recommendations to the General Affairs Committee regarding public library organization and financing.

LB 1375 Task Force: Appointments to the LB 1375 Task Force have been made. Legislative appointments include Senator Coordsen (chair of the task force), Senator Withem, Senator Hillman, Senator Bromm, Senator Robinson, and Senator Engel. Secretary of State Scott Moore was designated in the legislation. Governor 's appointments include Craig Schroeder (representing consumer groups), Alice Dittman (representing banking, law, and insurance), and Yvonne Norton Leung (representing the executive branch). The Department of Administrative Services and the Legislative Research Division will provide staff assistance to the task force. The task force will be meeting in the next couple of weeks and is charged with responsibility for addressing policy issues related to electronic access to state records.

State Aid Campaign: The State Advisory Council initiated the State Aid Campaign last year and discussions will be held this summer. The proposal that has been put forward will offer incentives for communities to establish cooperative arrangements with neighboring communities or schools for organization of public library services.

Long Range Plan Update and Biennium Budget Process: Staff will be begin working on budget issues and documents. A report of the Long Range Plan Update and Biennium Budget Process will be presented at the July meeting.


March and April Budget Reports: The March and April, 1996 Expenditure and Financial Reports were received and reviewed by the Commissioners (Attachments I and II ) .

LSCA Funding Status: The Congress just completed action on the Library Services and Construction Act funding for FY 1996 recently. The result was approximately a $10,000 increase overall for LSCA funds. Title I funding increased, while Title II and Title III decreased.


Nebrask@ Online Electronic On-line Services Authorization and Rate Request No. 1996-97: It was moved by Robert McPherson and seconded by Jean Sanders to approve the Nebraska Online Electronic On-line Service Authorization and Rate Request, No. 1996-97 (Attachment III). Motion carried on roll call vote: Sanders-aye; Vollbrecht-aye; Lovell-aye; McPherson-aye; Harvey-aye; Norman-aye.


1995-96 Priority Goals: Priority goals for the Nebraska Library Commission for the 1995/96 year are: successful development and operation of Nebrask@ Online; development of a campaign in partnership with the State Advisory Council on Libraries for a public library information technology fund; revision and enactment of public library legislation completion of the Nebraska Publications Clearinghouse evaluation; successful integration and coordination of special federal grant projects; development of staff skills in application of evaluation methods for Nebraska Library Commission Services; and implementation of program changes as may be required by enactment of a new federal library program (Attachment IV).

1995 Contracts: A list of contracts for 1995 were received and reviewed by the Commissioners (Attachments V) .

1995-96 Grants: A list of the 1995-96 Grants were received and reviewed by the Commissioners (Attachment VI) .

State Aid Distribution Formula for 1996-97: It was moved by Myrna Vollbrecht and seconded by Robert McPherson to approve the State Aid Distribution Formula for 1996-97 (Attachment VII ). Motion carried on roll call vote: Sanders-aye; Vollbrecht-aye; Lovell-aye; McPherson-aye; Harvey-aye; Norman-aye.

Out of State Travel Request: It was moved by Frances Lovell and seconded by Jean Sanders to approve the out of state travel request for Rod Wagner to attend the American Library Association Conference in New York City from July 5-9,1996. Motion carried on roll call vote: Sanders-aye;Vollbrecht-aye; Lovell-aye; McPherson-aye; Harvey-aye; Norman-aye.


It was moved by Jean Sanders and seconded by Dr. Robert McPherson to adjourn the meeting at 10:55 a.m. Motion carried on roll call vote: Sanders-aye; Vollbrecht-aye; Lovell-aye; McPherson-aye; Harvey-aye; Norman-aye.


Elaine Miller, Secretary

For more information, contact Sue Biltoft.