Nebraska Library Commission - Minutes
Nebraska Library Commission
July 13, 2001
The Nebraska Library Commission held its regular meeting Friday, July
13, 2001 at 9:30 a.m., at the Nebraska Library Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Notice of the meeting was submitted to local newspapers (Lincoln
Journal-Star, Omaha World Herald), and posted on the Nebraska
Library Commission Homepage.
Chair Wally Seiler called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Members present: Karen Warner, Richard Jussel, Kristen Rogge, Velma Sims, Wally Seiler, and Robert King. Staff present: Rod Wagner, Maria Medrano-Nehls, Shannon White, and Nancy Busch.
Approval of Agenda: A motion was made to approve the agenda. Motion carried on roll call vote: Warner - aye; Rogge - aye; King - aye; Seiler - aye; Jussel - aye; and Sims - aye. Motion approved.
Approval of the Minutes (May 11, 2001): A motion was made to approve the May 2001 minutes. Motion carried on roll call votes: Rogge - aye; King - aye; Seiler -aye; Jussel -aye; Sims - aye; and Warner - aye. Motion approved.
Shannon White was introduced to the Commissioners.
Rod Wagner stated that letters were mailed to Senator Wehrbein and Senator Thompson regarding the biennium appropriation for the Commission.
Chair Seiler stated that he attended the State Advisory Council on Libraries meeting in Ogallala on June 1. He also stated that he was pleased to be re-appointed as Commissioner by the Governor.
Karen Warner stated that she would be attending a system meeting next week. Karen recently visited Wyoming libraries and found that they do not receive state aid.
Robert King reported that the Holdrege library recently placed its catalog on the web. The library conducted a survey that showed the people in the area used 113,800 collection items, which means collection use is up 4% over last year.
Richard Jussel stated that he was also glad to be re-appointed to the Library Commission. He also attended the SACL meeting in Ogallala.
Kristen Rogge reported that the Fall City Library has passed their million dollars mark in private contributions toward their new library.
Velma Sims reported that Fremont recently held its Fremont Days celebration. Fremont has approximately 850 kids signed up for the library's Summer Reading Program. Fremont has many people outside the city that would like to use the library but cannot without paying a fee. The Library Board decided that this summer they would wave the fee to children who live outside of Fremont and who wished to participate in the Summer Reading Program. Fremont will hold it's "John C. Fremont Days" parade and the employees of the library have a float for the parade.
Rod Wagner reported that he was pleased to have Shannon White join the Commission staff. There is a vacancy in Library Development, which occurred when Pam Scott became the Continuing Education Coordinator. Advertisement for the position vacancy is expected to be posted by July 20.
SACL Meeting
Several of the Commissioners attended the State Advisory Council on Libraries meeting June 1, in Ogallala.
LA Conference
The ALA conference was held in San Francisco. Several staff members and Commission members Sims and Rogge attended. There were over 20,000 people in attendance, hundreds of meetings in many locations, and hundreds of exhibits. ALA 2002 will be in Atlanta.
Rod reported that there was nothing new to report on LSTA
Interlibrary Loan Service
A handout was included in packets regarding interlibrary loan services from Evelyn Kubert, Library Commission Interlibrary Loan Services Librarian.
Regional Library Systems Contracts for 2001-2003
Contracts have been signed and returned. The Republican Valley and Panhandle library systems were handled differently due to their absence of an administrator; there will not be any contract arrangements with them until a new administrator is hired. Nancy Busch said the contract had a change stating that the Administrator must have a MLS degree. That provision had been omitted in the previous contract.
Nancy also stated that the Republican Valley system received first quarter (FY 2002) funds due to their shortage of funds. The Panhandle system did not receive first quarter funding due to a sufficient fund balance at the end of the year. Systems received a 2% budget increase for operating expenses.
NLA/NEMA Conference
Rod Wagner noted that the annual NLA-NEMA conference will be held October 18 and 19, in Kearney. There will be a pre-conference session intended for Library trustees and friends on October 17. On October 19, there will be a Nebraska Library Commission centennial year speaker.
Agreements and information were mailed out to public libraries and agreements are already being returned. A news release will be provided for library use.
Nebraska Community Foundation
Nancy Busch, Richard Miller, Rod Wagner and Jeff Yost have meet to discuss development of a series of workshops for fundraising and other topics.
Library Science Education Programs
The Library Commission has received a draft agreement from Emporia State University. They have asked the Nebraska Library Commission to provide the facility for classes. The University of Missouri - Columbia is expected to use facilities in Omaha. Both are planning a second Nebraska location in North Platte. Over 200 people have expressed interest in the Library Science masters degree program.
Nebraska Literature Festival
The Festival will be held in Nebraska City on September 21 & 22, the theme is "The Writing Life".
Nebraska Book Awards
The Nebraska Book Awards will be presented at the Nebraska Literature Festival. A good number of entries have been received.
Making A Difference
Staff visits to public libraries are going well and as intended. Staff members are receiving good information and ideas from the visits.
Information was included in meeting packets.
There was no business to report.
State Aid Allocations
Rod Wagner stated there were four options developed for consideration for use of the additional state aid funds appropriated for FY 2002 and 2003.
First, support educational expenses to supplement educational grant projects or provide grants for individuals to continue their education; second, supplement the funding for services to children and young adults; third, supplement on-line database funds; and fourth to add monies to grants for technology projects.
A motion was made to approve the use of $25,000 of state aid allocations for 25 individual scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each, and to use the remaining $25,000 for Children and Young Adult Services projects. Motion carried on roll call vote: King- aye; Seiler - aye; Jussel - aye; Sims - aye; Warner - aye; and Rogge - aye. Motion Approved.
Priority goals for 2001-2002
Priority goal information was included in the packets. Rod Wagner stated that he outlined and highlighted several major projects for staff attention and work during the 2002 fiscal year. There was a consensus to approve the goals. Rod stated that he would ask Mary Jo Ryan to attend the September Commission meeting and report on @ Your Library advocacy and marketing project.
Election of Commission Chair
Karen Warner nominated Richard Jussel. A motion was made to elect Richard Jussel to serve as the 2001-2002 Commission Chair. Motion carried on roll call vote: Seiler - aye; Jussel - abstain; Sims - aye; Warner - aye; Rogge - aye; and King - aye. Motion approved.
Election of Commission Vice-Chair
Richard Jussel nominated Robert King . A motion was made to approve Robert King as the 2001-2002 Commission Vice-Chair. Motion carried on roll call vote: Jussel - aye; Sims - aye; Warner - aye; Rogge - aye; King - abstain; and Seiler - aye. Motion approved.
Meeting schedule for 2001-2002
Meeting dates for 2001-2002 are September 14, 2001; November 7 & 8, 2001; January 11, 2002, March 8 & 9, 2002; May 10, 2002; and July 12, 2002.
Director's Salary
A motion was made to increase Rod Wagner's salary 1.5% starting July 1, 2001. Motion carried on roll vote: Sims - aye; Warner - aye; Rogge - aye; King - aye; Seiler - aye; and Jussel - aye. Motion approved.
Out-of State Travel Request
A motion was made to approve Rod Wagner's travel request to Lexington, Kentucky to attend a COSLA sub-committee meeting the end of July. Motion carried on roll call vote: Warner - aye; Rogge - aye; King - aye; Seiler - aye; Jussel - aye; and Sims - aye. Motion approved.
The next Commission meeting will be held September 14, 2001.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m. (CST).
All attachments are available upon request. If you would like a copy,
please contact Sue Biltoft at the Nebraska Library Commission,
800-307-2665 or 402-471-2045.