Nebraska Library Commission - Minutes
Nebraska Library Commission
July 12, 1996
The Nebraska Library Commission held its regular meeting
Friday, July 12, 1996, at 9:30 a.m. at the Nebraska Library Commission,
The Atrium, 1200 "N" Street, Suite 120, Lincoln, Nebraska. Notice of the
meeting was submitted to local newspapers (Lincoln Journal-Star,
Omaha World Herald), and posted on Nebrask@ Online
Chairman Ron Norman called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
Members present: Ron Norman, Dr. Robert McPherson, Jean Sanders, Frances
Lovell. Staff present: Rod Wagner, Nancy Bush, Elaine Miller, Allana Novotny
and Diana Boone. Guests present: Phil Hovis arrived at 9:50 a.m.
Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Dr. Robert McPherson
and seconded by Jean Sanders to approve the agenda. Motion carried on roll
call vote: Sanders-aye; Lovell-aye; McPherson-aye; Harvey-absent;
Approval of the minutes of the May 10, 1996 meeting: It
was moved by Jean Sanders and seconded by Frances Lovell to approve the
minutes of the May 10, 1996 meeting. Motion carried on roll call vote:
Sanders-aye; Lovell-aye; McPherson-aye; Harvey-absent; Norman-aye.
The Chairman asked if anyone would like to address the
to do so at this time. Allana Novotny and Diana Boone were introduced as
new employees at the Library Commission. Allana Novotny is the new Network
Services Coordinator and Diana Boone is the new OCLC Coordinator.
A letter from Myrna Vollbrecht was handed out to the
for them to read. Myrna has resigned from the Commission, due to health
The Chairman had no report.
Staff News: New employees of the Library Commission are Karen
Ingish, Public Library Development Coordinator; Allana Novotny and Diana
Boone were introduced during the Public Forum.
Reclassification Project: This project was initiated a
year ago. The reclassification project is now at the Department of
Services - Division of Personnel and the Library Commission is waiting
a response on the status of this project. The project involves a review
of existing librarian related positions used by the Library Commission,
development of new classifications and specifications, and review of
for each position.
Federal Library Legislation: There is a concern that the
federal legislation the LSTA program is part of will be stalled and not
enacted during this congress. This would cause the library community to
restart the whole process with a new Congress. If the legislation is stalled,
effort will be made to reauthorize the LSCA for one more year. LSCA is
in its final authorization year.
Universal Service Task Force: The new Federal
Act has a provision which requires discounted telecommunications rates
for schools, libraries and rural hospitals. The Public Service Commission
is forming a task force to look at these provisions and develop a policy
for Nebraska. The Library Commission has been asked to provide representation
on this task force.
State Aid Campaign (legislation and funding): A number
of presentations have been made to different groups and at the Nebraska
Library Association Spring Meetings. Every opportunity is being used to
speak about the State Aid Campaign with the idea that it would result in
some legislation being proposed and some significant funding that would
be requested in the 1997 Legislative Session. A meeting will be held at
the Kearney Public Library and Information Center on July 17th,
which will bring together representatives of the state.s larger public
libraries and additional library representatives to develop goals and
for public library legislation changes and funding in light of the failure
of LB 590 to advance this past session. Legislation is intended that would
encourage communities to develop joint delivery of services along the lines
sought by the Legislature. A planning session will be held in Lincoln on
July 26th and in Alliance on August 16th. A third
meeting will be held August 22nd and 23rd , in Lincoln.
This latter meeting will address library resource sharing issues, and should
provide further direction in the area of inter-library cooperative
June and July Budget Reports: The June and July 1996 Expenditure
and Financial Reports were received and reviewed by the Commissioners
I and II )
There was no unfinished business.
Long Range Plan Update & Biennium Budget Planning: Nancy
Busch gave an update on the Long Range Plan and biennium budget development.
Nancy handed out a memo on the 1997-1999 Biennial Budget and Long Range
Plan -- Issue and Strategies (Attachment III). September 16, 1996 is the
deadline for submitting the Biennium Budget for 1997-1999 biennium and
the Long Range Plan Update. The State Budget Administrator sent a memo
on their priorities and emphasis on strategic planning and performance
measures that show the impact of the Library Commission.s programs and
services on our clientele. A new area is a submission of an information
technology plan. The reclassification project may have some impact on the
personnel budget. The Library Commission rent is going to go up. The Library
Commission signed a 10 year lease. The lease is now at a 5 year period
in September of 1998, which will be in the middle of the next biennium.
The square footage cost will increase by $27,000. All state agencies are
again being asked to show where they would eliminate ten percent of their
budget. The Library Commission still has two vacancies.
An all staff planning retreat was held the last week of
June. Time was devoted to major goals of the Library Commission and what
needed to be addressed for the future. Marty Hale, Emporia State University,
Emporia, Kansas, spoke to the staff the beginning of the week of the staff
planning retreat.
The Long Range Plan Update is submitted to the federal
government for LSCA funding. Sally Snyder, Doreen Kuhlmann and Nancy Busch
will be working on the Long Range Plan update.
Election of Commission Chair: It was moved by Dr. Robert
McPherson and seconded by Frances Lovell to elect Ron Norman as Commission
Chair. Motion carried on a roll call vote: Sanders-aye; Lovell-aye;
and Norman-abstaining.
Election of Commission Vice-Chair: It was moved by Frances
Lovell and seconded by Dr. Robert McPherson to elect Jean Sanders as Commission
Vice-Chair. Motion carried on roll call vote: Sanders-abstaining; Lovell-aye;
McPherson-aye; and Norman-aye.
Meeting Schedule for 1996-97: The following dates were
determined for the meeting schedule for 1996-97: September 6, 1996; November
8, 1996; January 10, 1997; March 14, 1997; May 9, 1997 and July 11,
It was moved by Dr. Robert McPherson and seconded by Jean
Sanders to adjourn the meeting at 10:55 a.m. Motion carried on roll call
vote: Sanders-aye; Lovell-aye; McPherson-aye; Norman-aye.
Elaine Miller, Secretary
All attachments are available upon request. If you would
like a copy, please contact Elaine Miller at the Nebraska Library Commission,
800-307-2665 or 402-471-2045.
Attachment I - May Expenditure and Financial Report
Attachment II - June Expenditure and Financial Report
Attachment III - 1997-1999 Biennial Budget and Long Range
Plan - Issue and Strategies
All attachments are available upon request. If you would like a copy,
please contact Sue Biltoft at the Nebraska Library Commission,
800-307-2665 or 402-471-2045.