Nebraska Library Commission - Minutes
Nebraska Library Commission
September 12, 1997
The Nebraska Library Commission held its regular meeting
Friday, September 12, 1997, at 9:40 a.m. at the Nebraska Library Commission,
The Atrium, 1200 "N" Street, Suite 120, Lincoln, Nebraska. Notice of the
meeting was submitted to local newspapers (Lincoln Journal-Star,
Omaha World Herald), and posted on Nebrask@ Online
Chair Karen Warner called the meeting to order at 9:40 a.m..
Members present: Ron Norman, Jean Sanders and Karen Warner. Staff present:
Rod Wagner, Nancy Busch, Jo Budler and Elaine Miller. Guests present: George
Strassler and Ruth Strassler.
Approval of Agenda: With only three members of the Commission
present a quorum was not established. According to Robert's Rules of
Order under the "Proceedings in the Absence of a Quorum", a motion
can be made and voted on and later ratified when a quorum of the Library
Commissioners is present. It was moved by Jean Sanders and seconded by
Ron Norman to approve the agenda. Motion carried on roll call vote: Norman-aye;
Warner-aye; Fletcher-absent; Lovell-absent; King-absent; Sanders-aye.
Approval of the Minutes of the August 13, 1997 meeting:
It was moved by Ron Norman and seconded by Jean Sanders to approve the
minutes of the August 13, 1997 meeting. Motion carried on roll call vote:
Norman-aye; Warner-aye; Fletcher-absent; Lovell-absent; King-absent;
Jo Budler gave a report on FirstSearch, the Online Computer
Library Center (OCLC) Reference Database. The Library Commission purchased
twelve computer access ports and received eighteen ports for the same cost
under a special promotional arrangement. The cost for academic libraries
has been priced according to their full time student enrollment and the
public libraries are priced according to the population served. The Library
Commission is acting as the coordinating agency for all the libraries in
the group database service contract arrangement. This arrangement makes
it possible for smaller libraries to participate. Seventy-seven libraries
are participating in the FirstSearch Databases.
Commissioner Robert King joined the meeting 10:50 a.m.
It was moved by Jean Sanders and seconded by Ron Norman to ratify the approval
of the minutes of the August 13, 1997 meeting and the approval of the agenda
for the September 12, 1997. Motion carried by roll call vote: Norman-aye;
Warner-aye; Fletcher-absent; Lovell-absent; King-aye; Sanders-aye.
There were no correspondence or communications
The Chair had no report.
Personnel: The OCLC Coordinator position is open until the
latter part of September, and the Cataloging Librarian position is open
until the end of September. The application deadlines will then close and
applications will be reviewed for candidate interviews.
Legislature's Interim Study Update: A few weeks ago, Randy
Moody, Nebraska Library Association lobbyist, Richard Miller and Rod Wagner
met with Ken Winston the legal counsel for the Legislature's General Affairs
Committee. The Library Commission intends to help the committee by compiling
information from libraries to determine what their situations are in relation
to budget lids and the property tax limits. A hearing for the study is
expected to be held sometime in November.
Regional Library System Board Retreat: The Long Range
Plan was the primary subject of the retreat. Commissioners Ron Norman and
Jean Sanders attended the retreat. Commission staff members Richard Miller
and Ellen Van Waart are compiling the information received and reviewed
at the retreat.
NLA - NEMA Conference: The NLA - NEMA Conference will
be held in Omaha on October 29 through the 31st.
Library Services and Technology Act Policies/Funding:
Both the House and the Senate are finalizing their versions of appropriations
bills for LSTA funding for the coming fiscal year. Funding will probably
be about the same as last year.
Universal Service Funds -- School and Library Discounts:
There are no final details on the application forms and procedures for
telecommunications discounts for schools and libraries. When they are available
they will be distributed to libraries. The Library Commission is exploring
whether the Commission might submit a state application on behalf of public
libraries. A state application would ensure that every library would be
in a position to take advantage of the bids that companies offer to supply
those services. A web site has been set up and hosted by the Library Commission
for this program.
Long Range Plan Implementation: The Long Range Plan was
submitted to the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The implementation
of the Long Range Plan will be discussed at the State
Advisory Council Meeting on the 19th of
Institute for Rural Development: Rod Wagner and Nancy
Busch spent Monday through Thursday, September 8 through 11, attending
the Institute for Rural Development. This is the second year for the Institute.
The Institute is a program created through the partnership of the Rural
Development Commission, University of Nebraska Institute of Agriculture
and Natural Resources and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A contingent
of about 20 Australians participated in the Institute.
Publications: An updated version of the Nebraska Trustees
Manual will be available at the NLA - NEMA conference. Dr. Elmer Baker
has directed the compilation of the updated version along with the help
of Library Commission staff and a committee of the NLA's Trustees group.
An updated compilation of the Nebraska Library and Library Related Laws
will also be available at the NLA - NEMA convention.
August Financial Report: The August, 1997, Expenditure and
Financial Reports were received and reviewed by the Commissioners. (Attachments
Audit Report: The Audit Report was received by the
State Aid to Public Libraries for FY 1998: It was moved by
Ron Norman and seconded by Jean Sanders to distribute state aid for FY
1998 using the same formula as FY 1997 with any fine points that the Library
Commission staff deems necessary. Motion carried on roll call vote: Norman-aye;
Warner-aye; Fletcher-absent; Lovell-absent; King-aye; Sanders-aye.
Internet Policy: Action on the Internet Policy will be
postponed until the next meeting of the Nebraska Library Commission, after
the State Advisory Council discusses the policy at their meeting on September
19, 1997.
Grant Decision Appeal -- Chadron Public Library: It was moved
by Ron Norman and seconded by Jean Sanders to deny the grant decision appeal
of the Chadron Public Library and a letter of explanation of the reasons
for denial be sent to the Chadron Public Library. Motion carried on roll
call vote: Norman-aye; Warner-aye; Fletcher-absent; Lovell-absent; King-aye;
Commission Meeting Schedule and Work Plan: The meeting
schedule for the Commission meetings were approved with the exception of
the meeting in January that was changed from January 9th to
January 16th .
It was moved by Robert King and seconded by Ron Norman to
adjourn the meeting at 11:25 am Motion carried on roll call vote: Norman-aye;
Warner-aye; Fletcher-absent; Lovell-absent; King-aye; Sanders-aye.
Elaine Miller, Secretary
All attachments are available upon request. If you
would like a copy, please contact
Elaine Miller at the Nebraska Library Commission, 800-307-2665
or 402-471-2045 or
Attachment I - August, 1997 Expenditure and Financial
All attachments are available upon request. If you would like a copy,
please contact Sue Biltoft at the Nebraska Library Commission,
800-307-2665 or 402-471-2045.