Nebraska Library Commission - Minutes
Nebraska Library Commission
September 4, 1998
The Nebraska Library Commission held its regular meeting Friday, September 4, 1998, at 9:30 a.m. at the Nebraska Library Commission, The Atrium, 1200 "N" Street, Suite 120, Lincoln, Nebraska. Notice of the meeting was submitted to local newspapers (Lincoln Journal-Star, Omaha World Herald), and posted on Nebrask@ Online
Vice-Chair Jean Sanders called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Members present: Robert King, Jean Sanders, Wally Seiler and Richard Jussel. Staff present: Rod Wagner, Nancy Busch and Elaine Miller. Guests present: Brenda Ealey and Kathy Tooker.
Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Richard Jussel and seconded by Wally Seiler to approve the agenda. Motion carried on roll call vote: Warner-absentt; Fletcher-absent; King-aye; Sanders-aye; Seiler-aye; Jussel-aye.
Approval of the Minutes of the May 8, 1998 meeting: It was moved by Robert King and seconded by Jean Sanders to approve the minutes of the May 8, 1998 meeting. Motion carried on roll call vote: Warner-absentt; Fletcher-absent; King-aye; Sanders-aye; Seiler-aye; Jussel-aye.
Richard Jussell and Wally Seiler were introduced as new Commission members. Introductions were given around the room.
Maureen Finn, OCLC, re Small Libraries Web-Based Cataloging Service: A letter from Maureen Finn, OCLC, was received by the Library Commission. The letter was an invitation for the Library Commission to host a roll-out test of a new web-based cataloging service for small libraries. Nebraska was selected as one of two states to participate in the test of OCLC's new cataloging service. The other state is Missouri.
Patrick O'Donnell, Clerk of the Legislature, re Diane Wells: A letter from Patrick O'Donnell was received thanking Diane Wells and the Library Commission staff for providing disabled individuals with legislative materials in braille.
Wayne Lee, author, re Talking Book and Braille Service: David Oertli, Director of the Talking Book and Braille Service received a letter from Wayne Lee. The letter gave the Talking Book and Braille Service permission to tape his book "Wild Towns of Nebraska" and expressed Mr. Lee's appreciation to the Talking Book and Braille Service for wanting to record his book and his view of the value of the TBBS's services.
Rep. Doug Bereuter re LC Commemorative Coin Act (H.R. 3790): A letter from Rep. Bereuter was received thanking Rod Wagner for contacting his office regarding the Library of Congress Commemorative Coin Act (H.R. 3790) and expressing his views on this legislation. Rep. Bereuter is a co-sponsor of H.R. 3790.
Letter to Nebraska Congressional Delegation re E-Rate: Rod Wagner sent letters to Rep. Bill Barrett and Rep. Doug Bereuter, urging them to oppose the amendment by Rep. Joe Scarborough to the House appropriation's bill, H.R. 4276. H.R. 4276 would prohibit the Federal Communications Commission from expending funds to collect contributions from telecommunications carriers for the e-rate telecommunications discount program for schools, libraries, and rural health care providers.
Letters to Senators Kerry and Hagel re Federal Depository Library Program: Rod Wagner wrote letters to Senators Kerry and Hagel encouraging their support for S. 2288, The Wendell H. For Government Publications Reform Act of 1998. This legislation is a very important revision of Chapter 19 of Title 44, which governs public access to government publications and the Federal Depository Library Program.
No chair's report as Karen Warner was absent.
NLC Centennial (2001): The Nebraska Library Commission will be celebrating its centennial year in 2001. Maggie Harding has been employed temporarily (part-time) to work on the centennial by compiling materials and interviewing past directors and long time employees of the Library Commission to organize historical materials of the Library Commission and Nebraska libraries. The Commission's history will be tied with the future of the Commission and the Libraries for the 21st Century theme.
OCLC FirstSearch: A portion of the $400,000 state appropriation for online database licensing and technology support was used to arrange a statewide unlimited access license for a package of OCLC FirstSearch databases. Over 560 libraries have signed up for the FirstSearch databases. FirstSearch orientation sessions are being held around the state.
Personnel Update: Tamra Stansfield, a Master of Library Science degree student from the University of Missouri - Columbia, is doing her practicum at the Library Commission. Tamra needs 180 hours of work in a library to meet her degree requirement. Tamra is a University of Nebraska law school graduate who chose to return to school to earn a library science degree. She is now completing her degree requirements at UM-C.
Applications currently being reviewed: Applications for the staff assistant position were received and candidates were interviewed. The candidates were also considering other positions and none of the top candidates chose to accept the position when offered. The staff assistant position has been re-opened. Applications have closed for the online services librarian position and staff are currently reviewing the applications. The Talking Book and Braille Service has a half-time position open and a full-time position open as Maria Ford has resigned her position in the Talking Book and Braille Service to accept a position at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln Law College.
Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Grant Applications Status: The Library Commission has received forty applications requesting monies totaling $315,000 and funding for $250,000 is available. A decision on the grant funds will be made by October 15, 1998. There are two categories for funds, one is for projects under $5,000 the other is for projects between $5,000 and $50,000.
Automated Library System Replacement Status: A Library Commission staff team is evaluating software for replacing the automated library system that is currently in use. The Library Commission was notified that the software currently in use will no longer be supported.
NLA/NEMA Conference (October 22-23): The Nebraska Library Association and Nebraska Educational Media Association Conference will be held in Grand Island on October 22 and 23. Commission staff will again be very involved in the conference and will sponsor several sessions and also have an exhibit booth. Jean Sanders has written a book geared to 6th grade students. The book will be available at the conference.
July and August Financial Report: The July and August, 1998 Expenditure and Financial Reports were received and reviewed by the Commissioners.
(Attachments I & II.)
There was no unfinished business.
Biennium Budget Request (1999-2001): It was moved by Richard Jussel and seconded by Robert King to approve the Biennium Budget Request for (1999-2001). Motion carried on roll call vote: Warner-absent; Fletcher-absent; King-aye; Sanders-aye; Seiler-aye; Jussel-aye. (Attachment III.)
Libraries for the 21st Century Program Contract: It was moved by Wally Seiler and seconded by Robert King to approve the Libraries for the 21st Century contract with the Nebraska Library Association. Motion carried on roll call vote: Warner-absent; Fletcher-absent; King-aye; Sanders-aye; Seiler-aye; Jussel-aye.
Public Librarian Certification Program Evaluation Contract: It was moved by Robert King and seconded by Richard Jussel to approve the consultant agreement between the Library Commission and Debra Wilcox Johnson. Motion carried on roll call vote: Warner-absent; Fletcher-absent; King-aye; Sanders-aye; Seiler-aye; Jussel-aye.
Election of Chair and Vice-Chair: It was the consensus of the Commission members present to wait until all the Commission members are in attendance to elect officers for the 1998/99 fiscal year.
Meeting Schedule for 1998-1999 (fiscal year): The meeting schedule for the Nebraska Library Commission was accepted with meetings to be on November 13, 1998, January 8, 1999, March 11 and 12, 1999, May 14, 1999 and July 9, 1999.
Out-of-State Travel Request: It was moved by Richard Jussel and seconded by Wally Seiler to approve the out-of-state travel request for Rod Wagner to attend the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies meeting in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, October 3-5, 1998 Motion carried on roll call vote: Warner-absent; Fletcher-absent; King-aye; Sanders-aye; Seiler-aye; Jussel-aye.
It was moved by Richard Jussel and seconded by Wally Seiler to approve the out-of-state travel request for Rod Wagner to attend the Western Council of State Libraries Meeting in Hawaii on November 22-24, 1998, if Rod wishes to attend. Motion carried on roll call vote: Warner-absent; Fletcher-absent; King-aye, Sanders-aye; Seiler-aye; Jussel-aye.
It was moved by Robert King and seconded by Richard Jussel to adjourn the meeting at 11:08 a.m. Motion carried on roll call vote: Warner-absent; Fletcher-absent; King-aye; Sanders-aye; Seiler-aye; Jussel-aye.
Elaine Miller, Secretary
All attachments are available upon request. If you
would like a copy, please contact Elaine Miller at the Nebraska Library
Commission, 800-307-2665 or 402-471-2045.
Attachment I - July, 1998 Expenditure and Financial Reports
Attachment II - August, 1998 Expenditure and Financial Reports
Attachment III - Biennium Budget Request (1999-2001)
All attachments are available upon request. If you would like a copy,
please contact Sue Biltoft at the Nebraska Library Commission,
800-307-2665 or 402-471-2045.