Nebraska State Advisory Council on Libraries
Little Priest College Library Winnebago, Nebraska
Friday, November 19, 2004, 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
1) Welcome, Introductions, Announcements
2) Approval of Agenda *
3) Approval of Minutes (July 16, 2004) *
4) Reports
a. Federal Library Program Funding – Rod Wagner
b. Library Commission Biennium Budget Request – Rod Wagner
c. Librarians for the 21st Century Grant Program – Rod Wagner
d. Gates Foundation Library Program Grants – Richard Miller
e. Library Technology Support – Richard Miller
f. E-rate Status – Rod Wagner
g. Nebraska Library Association – Brenda Ealey
h. Nebraska Educational Media Association – Steve Davis
i. NCLIS Consumer Health Information Award – Jim Bothmer and Rod Wagner
j. National Institutes of Health and National Library of Medicine’s PubMedCentral Database – Jim Bothmer
5) Literacy, Learning and Libraries -- Discussion
6) Library Tour
7) Lunch
8) Council Roundtable
9) Adoption of Resolutions, Recommendations, Action Items (if any) *
10) Special Recognition
11) Adjournment
* Indicates action item