Central Community College, Kearney, NE
March 11, 2005
State Advisory Council members present: Jim Bothmer, Patty
Birch, Janice Boyer, Nancy Cantin, Steve Davis, Karen Drevo, Nancy Escamilla,
Joan Giesecke, Patricia Gross, Maggie Harding, Theresa Jehlik, Diana Johnson,
Marty Magee, Sharon Osenga, John Seyfarth, and MeMe Smith.
Commission members: Jean Ahrens, Patrick Gross, Mary
Nelson, Velma Sims-Shipley, and Carol Spencer. Commission staff: Maria
Medrano-Nehls, Richard Miller, and Rod Wagner. Guests: Kathy Tooker, Eastern
Library System and Mary Jo Gross.
Welcome and Introductions
Chair Nancy Escamilla welcomed everyone to the first SACL
meeting of 2005. Nancy introduced new SACL members Patty Birch, Marty Magee, and
Joan Giesecke. A special thank you was given to Sharon Osenga, Meridian Library
System, for hosting the meeting. Sharon welcomed everyone to Kearney.
Introductions were given around the room.
Approval of the Agenda: A motion was made and seconded to
approve the agenda. Motion approved.
Approval of Minutes (November 19, 2004) - Diana Johnson
asked for a correction on page 6, last sentence, to say "Swedish King and
Queen", not "Swedish Cleaning Queen". Nancy Escamilla stated that page 7 should
not state that she reported for Pat Gross, only that she used Pat's time. A
motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion
State Legislation and Issues - Rod Wagner stated that the
2005 legislature convened in January. The session appears to be going smoothly
thus far. Term limits have led to changes in the legislature. Though the newer
senators lack experience, at this point, they are assuming leadership and
demonstrating effectiveness in the legislative process.
2005-2007 State Biennium Budget - Rod Wagner stated that
the good news is the increase in tax revenues. The Library Commission is not
expecting any budget cuts this year and hopes to have funds added to its budget.
The Library Commission has three new major funding requests included in its
proposed budget. The proposals include an additional $250,000 in state aid
funds for public libraries to be used as incentives for public library
accreditation; an additional $60,000 for Regional Library Systems; and $500,000
for additional electronic database subscriptions.
Rod Wagner expressed thanks to Patty Birch, Rivka Sass and
Sally Payne for testifying at the Commission's budget hearing. Rod also said
that state agency budget increases may be minimal, with some exceptions, since
the appropriations committee may recommend that the low-level nuclear waste
lawsuit settlement be paid in full.
Kathy Tooker thanked everyone who came to Legislative Day
and said there was around 175 people in attendance. Kathy stated that LB217, the
infrastructure bill for technology, made it to select file. The library systems'
employees' access to state benefits bill is still alive and Senator Kruse is
working on it but the bill is still in committee. LB599, to remove library board
authority, was killed in committee.
Rod Wagner stated that the E-rate was given a temporary
provision allowing funds to be released for libraries and schools to receive
telecommunication services fee discounts. There is a bill in the Senate to
provide a permanent fix for E-rate funding. Many federal programs are in
jeopardy because the President's recommended budget would eliminate them. The
President's budget proposal includes increased funding for LSTA for FY 2006.
Libraries for the 21st Century Project - Rod
Wagner stated that this project is a result of recommendations from the State
Advisory Council on Libraries a few years ago. The Council held discussions on
library workforce needs. At the recommendation of the Council, a library
workforce recruitment and retention taskforce was created. From the taskforce
came the recommendation to apply for an Institute of Museum and Library Services
grant. Last November, a Librarians for the 21st Century grant was
awarded to the Library Commission. The taskforce is an advisory group that will
work with the Library Commission during the project's three year funding period.
The Commission recently posted an ad for a Research Assistant. This will be a
full-time temporary position to provide staff assistance during the three-year
grant funding period. There are three major project components - the first is
development of marketing resources including a movie trailer, packets of
information to be distributed to school guidance counselors, library media
specialists, librarians, and colleges. There is also an element for recruiting,
training and supporting mentors. The third project component is financial aid
for community college library technical assistant courses and graduate level
library science courses.
Library Technology Support Task - This taskforce was formed
in September 2004 in response to a Council recommendation. The taskforce next
met in February and discussed several library technology issues and strategies.
Of Nebraska's 275 public libraries, 155 are currently using some type of
broadband access to the Internet; 15 have dial-up only and there is no
information for 7 libraries. It was recommended that a technology consultant be
hired. Other recommendations included technology support assistance for smaller
libraries to become self sufficient, addressing opportunities for working with
higher education to get under-graduate technology students to work as part of a
technology corps via internships, work with ESU's, and a basic skills session on
technology. As part of the Gates Staying Connected grant, $60,000 will be used
to hire a technology position. The Commission will attempt to retain this
position beyond the Gates Foundation grant by using state or federal funds, or a
combination of both.
Nebraska Library Association - Theresa Jehlik reported that
the NLA board met last Friday and announced that a conference coordinator was
hired. Because the fall conference will be held earlier then usual, people are
planning both spring conference and fall conference sessions at the same time.
The board is still working on the fiscal year change. The board also discussed
ideas to improve participation on Friday afternoon during conference because
vendors pack up and leave early.
Nebraska Education Media Association - Steve Davis reported
that the NEMA board held its most recent meeting in January. Due to weather
there was low attendance. A report was made on the conference.
Library Technical Assistant Education Program - Richard
Miller distributed documents about the LTA program, including courses, dates and
NLC scholarships. Some of the LTA courses can be used in place of the basic
skills courses offered by the Commission for librarian certification
requirements. There are currently 63 students enrolled in three of the courses.
Richard stated that the Library Commission offers scholarships to LTA students
covering half of the course costs.
LSTA Grant Awards - Rod Wagner reported that LSTA grant
awards were recently awarded to several libraries. The Commission will post
grant award information on the NLC website. Rod stated that not all the grant
funds were used; the Commission may offer a special round of grants to allow
libraries to apply for grant monies, or initiate projects to support Commission
services and priorities.
Nebraska Library Service Trends and Issues, 2005 - 2007
Council members divided into four groups to discuss and
list library service trends and issues foreseen in the future. The discussion
groups reported the following topics and issues:
Trustee education and education for school administrators
Library service for the mentally challenged, visually impaired and
Expand NebraskAcess
Serving minorities
Education for librarians
Cooperation among all types of libraries
Intellectual freedom and censorship
Technology support staff with library knowledge
Copyrights in the digital age
Public library salary
Youth services and programs
Community faith in libraries
Technology training for librarians
Retention of librarians
Changing old attitudes, bringing librarians into the 21st
Encourage NLC and State Legislators to fund state databases
Concept of library as a community place (including academic
Organize censorship groups
School and public library collaborations (especially in
consolidated schools)
Public training on electronic databases
Increased funding for the Nebraska Library Commission
Multilingual information and resources
Teen issues
Visual learners
Technology security issues
Recruitment and retention
Reaching our diverse community as population changes across
Reaching the next generation (computer and consumer oriented)
Educate public on why they need libraries
Lobbying and monitoring the federal and state legislation
No Child Left Behind
Privacy act
Support curriculum
Customize services to fit the patrons needs
Amazon.com with a face - if you liked reading this you'll like
Partnerships with other agencies
Consumer health information to rural populations
Council Roundtable
Sharon Osenga - Sharon is vice-president/president-elect of
MPLA and co-chair of this year's MPLA conference. This year's theme is Beyond
Borders: Imagination, Innovation and Inspiration. The conference will be
held in Jackson Hole, WY, October 12-15. The Nebraska regional library systems
will be sponsoring the Bricks & Boards workshop at Concordia College on June 13.
The Library Leadership Institute will be held again this summer. Information can
be found on the systems' websites. Kearney and Grand Island public libraries are
planning library expansions.
John Seyfarth - John will be teaching a class for the
Eastern Library System on Microsoft Visual Image Tools. He has also been
involved in lobbying the legislature on behalf of NLA.
Steve Davis - Kearney is planning an addition to its
library building. The city will not be able to move on the project this year.
The City Council supports the project but there is not enough community support.
Good Samaritan Hospital is planning a health library.
Jim Bothmer - Creighton University has had a good budget
year. The CU Health Sciences Library received an increase in operating funds and
salaries. Siobhan Champ-Blackwell, Health Sciences Library staff member, was
recognized among Library Journal's 2005 "Movers & Shakers." Creighton
University received a $50,000 anonymous gift.
Janice Boyer - The University of Nebraska at Omaha will
hold a Willa Cather night on April 22. The new Dean of Libraries will start on
May 23.
Joan Giesecke - The University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Libraries had a good year with no budget cuts. The UNL Libraries conducted a
collaborative project with the rural initiative on campus and created a database
with multi-search capabilities. This database includes agricultural databases,
databases offered by the Library Commission as well as databases provided by
UNL. The database is available to the public. Next month the UNL Libraries will
make available its institutional depository, an electronic archive for faculty
publications. The UNL Libraries is building a high density storage facility on
campus. The facility should be completed in June. There will be tours of the
building during NLA/NEMA conference.
Patricia Gross - Gering high school taught 75 students to
use online databases. The school's budget has not increased in the last four
years and will not increase next year. Pat stated that she uses E-books heavily
so that children who go on to college know how to use them. Pat encourages her
students to use NebraskAcess at both school and home. On April 7, there will be
training on academic integrity in schools. On the same day, there will be a
computer media workshop for both public and school librarians. There will be a
Job-A-Like gathering on March 29; this is a gathering of public, school, and
academic librarians. They will have a One Book - One State book discussion.
Cherie Longmuir, Panhandle System Coordinator, will be giving a library safety
and security workshop on March 29. NEMA will host an institute training session
on August 2nd focusing on continuing the @ your library™
campaign and a session on copyright and plagiarism. Gering public library
received a grant from the Commission for a Teen Space project. The Sylvan
Learning Center has committed $100 a month for the Teen Spaces project.
Jean Ahrens -Scottsbluff will be hosting several gatherings
for the One Book - One State program. Several English professors at WNCC have
worked My Antonia into their curriculum.
Carol Spencer - The Broken Bow public library received a
grant from the Library Commission for a Teen Space project. Carol attended
Legislative Day. Carol said that she was glad that LB599 was killed.
Mary Nelson - The Holdrege public library is also involved
in a Teen Space project. There was a recent article in the McCook newspaper
about the McCook community college library and the laptop computers used in the
library. The project will be expanded to include the McCook public library.
Velma Sims-Shipley - Betty Jean Steinshouer recently gave a
presentation on Willa Cather in Fremont.
Nancy Cantin - Nancy distributed a survey concerning a 2005
NLA - NEMA pre-conference program, Caring for the Mind @ your library™,
sponsored by the Special & Institutional, Paraprofessional and Public Library
sections of NLA. The Hasting Regional Center clients started a client newsletter
and it has done very well. This has taught them about copyright issues. There
are two senators who have asked for copies of the newsletter. The Regional
Center will be getting two more computers for the computer lab. They are working
with the Literacy Council to provide client education.
Diana Johnson - The Stromsburg library held brown bag lunch
discussions during the winter and has extended them to include one on Willa
Cather. The second weekend in March the granddaughter of Antonia will make a
presentation. The regular book club will discuss My Antonia in an open
forum. Next week a woman from Milford will speak about the characters that
Cather used in her books. The Stromsburg library recently had a 10th
grade girl who sews historical costumes do a presentation on the civil war era.
Stromsburg is also involved in a Teen Space project.
Maggie Harding - The Nebraska Library Association Trustees,
Users and Friends Section is planning and arranging programs for the NLA - NEMA
annual conference. There are currently 730 plus NLA members. This number is a
little higher than this time last year.
Marty Magee - Marty is working with the Nebraska Library
Commission and the UNMC Library of Medicine to develop pilot projects including
public and hospital libraries working together to provide consumer health
information. President Bush has made this one of his priorities. Marty is
involved in the planning for the mental health pre-conference. Last week, Becky
Pasco brought 36 UNO students to the UNMC. Three people from the medical center,
Marty and the librarian from the Bioterrorism education unit gave presentations
to the students. The National Network Library of Medicine had a national
symposium on diversity. A regional symposium with MPLA is under consideration
for this fall. Marty is looking at this on a Nebraska level. Marty is working
with the UNMC on a project to promote health education for diverse populations.
The UNMC received a $25,000 grant for the project. A video will be produced to
provide information about how to go to the doctor and how to find health
information. The video will show a child and a parent making a doctor
appointment, going to the doctor visit, showing what happens at the doctor visit
and then going to the library and asking for health information. The video will
be produced in English first then Spanish. If funds are sufficient, the video
will be translated to Sudanese.
Patty Birch - Patty invited anyone traveling through North
Platte to stop and visit the North Platte high school library. The public
library has a fabulous young adult librarian who visits the schools and
developed new and fun programs. Overall circulation has gone up over 6,000 items
from this time last year. It is believed the circulation is up due to the
increase in population.
Karen Drevo - The 11th Annual Norfolk Literature
festival will be held July 30. SCYP members will get free admission. There will
be three nationally known authors at the festival. All three authors have books
nominated for the Nebraska Golden Sower award. There has been great public
response in Norfolk to HeritageQuest, recently added to NebraskAcess. Betty Jean
Steinshouer did a Willa Cather program and the room was standing room only. On
March 29, there will be a discussion of My Antonia. Karen Warner started
a brown bag lunch series and had one on quilts and their significance to the
Underground Railroad. Karen Drevo will be attending the Cooperative Summer
Library Reading Program meeting in April; this group plans the summer reading
program themes and manuals. Two reference assistant positions that will be
MeMe Smith - Schuyler public library is working on its Teen
Space project. The library has run out of room and has purchased land for a new
Theresa Jehlik - Omaha broke ground for the new Washington
branch. The OPL recently launched debt collect to collect on fines. The OPL will
be offering downloadable digital audio books. The library received part of an
IMLS library grant from the Urban Libraries Council. The OPL will be applying
for a round two grant and hopes to use it to encourage paraprofessional staff to
pursue bachelors' degrees. The main library is being reorganized and will be
reduced from four floors to three floors.
Nancy Escamilla - Scottsbluff hired an architect to conduct
a feasibility study for a new library. Options include building a new library on
the current site, adding to the current building or building at a new site. At
this time, it appears that Scottsbluff will renovate and add to its current
building. A new teen area was created and everything was donated. The Sylvan
Learning Center is donating $100 a month. Nancy is a member of the new NLA
diversity committee. Gering Friends of the Library paid for author Dr. Nolan
Carlson to visit every elementary school in Gering and a public appearance at
the library in the evening.
Election of Vice-Chair -Nancy Escamilla, Council
chair, asked for nominations for the vice-chair position. Theresa Jehlik
nominated Marty Magee. Jim Bothmer nominated Janice Boyer. Patricia Gross
nominated Diana Johnson. Voting was conducted by ballot. There was a tie between
Marty Magee and Jan Boyer. There was a second ballot vote in which Jan Boyer was
announced the new vice-chair.
Adoption of Resolution - Rod Wagner thanked Sharon Osenga for hosting the meeting.
2005 Council Meeting Schedule and Plans - The
next meeting will be July 15 in Scottsbluff. The November meeting will be in
Adjournment - A motion and second were made to
adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m.