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Meeting Minutes

December 1, 2000
Nebraska Library Commission in Lincoln, Nebraska

State Advisory Council Members Present: Susan Baird, Jim Bothmer, John Dale, Steve Davis, Karen Drevo, Stan Gardner, Jeff Gilderson-Duwe, Michael Herbison, Mo Khamouna, Kathy Lute, Ken Oyer, Sylvia Person, Jeanne Saathoff, Tom Schmitz, Ruth Seward, Kathy Tooker, Richard Voeltz, Jane Wall.

Nebraska Library Commission Staff Present: Rod Wagner, Richard Miller, Nancy Busch, Sally Snyder, and Mary Jo Ryan.

Welcome and Introductions

Vice Chair Tom Schmitz called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Introductions were made.


A motion was made by Richard Voeltz to approve the agenda, seconded by Ken Oyer. Motion approved.


A motion was made by Richard Voeltz to approve the minutes from the June 9, 2000 meeting, and seconded by Ken Oyer. Motion approved.

Southeast Library System - Brenda Ealey

Brenda Ealey distributed handouts of the Year in Review, 1999-2000. She noted several items mentioned in the review including the fact there are 22 public libraries and approximately 77 school libraries in the region. UNL is a member as well as several correctional libraries. Something new the system tried this past year was to provide library personnel with transportation to convention and training sessions, making it more accessible for them to attend.


Legislative Report - Brenda Ealey distributed copies of the report discussed at the NLA business meeting held during the NLA conference. Brenda stated that Lisa Kelly and Pam Scott were co-chairs of the Publicity Committee and both worked very hard to get the word out.

February 23, 2001 is the date for the next Legislative Day. The focus will be on youth and activities at the library since these are priority issues for the Governor.

There will be four openings on the Appropriations Committee this year, so it will be necessary to provide information to the new members.

Communities and Libraries Workshop - Richard Miller distributed brochures, which provided an explanation of the workshop. It is hoped that many of the library trustees, friends, and local officials will attend.

NLC Centennial Plans - Nancy Busch distributed mouse pads and handouts containing information of the upcoming NLC Centennial. A section has been added to the NLC homepage with pictures and information regarding the history of the Nebraska Library Commission

Gates Library Initiative - Richard Miller distributed handouts with information concerning the Gates Library Initiative. Richard stated that he and Rod Wagner had attended some training in Seattle covering the Gates program for public libraries. Our application was due November 30, 2000. We are not expecting to see any of the products until 2002-2003.

Richard stated that public libraries do not need to be accredited, or send in statistics to the Commission in order to participate. The Gates Foundation 's basic guidelines did exclude a few libraries. Training is very detailed from Gates, but it will increase the need for training in the state in the future as technology and personnel change.

Richard mentioned that the Technology Infrastructure Needs Assessment (TINA) study had been conducted by the State of Nebraska Department of Administrative Services. An RFP will be issued by April 2001 seeking a prime contractor to provide an array of telecommunications services for Nebraska governmental entities - state and local

Nancy Busch handed out a copy of Nebraska 's eLibrary proposal to the legislature. The proposal consists of 3 components. The first is Content; this is to provide access to additional online databases and acquire common interface software. The second is Infrastructure; this will provide matching grants for library technology purchases in public libraries. The third component is Training, this is to improve technology related training for Nebraska library personnel.

Promoting Nebraska Library Services - Mary Jo Ryan discussed a five-year campaign to promote library services. The campaign will have a connecting theme of "@ Your Library." She asked for input from the Council members concerning potential use of the theme and specific areas that should be emphasized, including: promote professional librarian skills, emphasize traditional services, showcase new technology, expand public understanding, connect public libraries with public politicians, increase library usage, and generate more funds.

Nebraska Information Network Roger Hahn, Executive Director of the Nebraska Information Network, discussed issues and concerns addressed by the Nebraska Information Network. He noted there are 42 telephone companies in Nebraska, and 33 entities own the telephone companies.

Materials were distributed for the luncheon discussion

Library Services and Technology Act: Five-Year Evaluation and New Nebraska Long Range Plan for Library and Information Services - Nancy Busch and Sally Snyder noted that the federal government is promoting Outcome- Based Evaluation. This method involves going to the users and trying to learn what difference having the service or access to the information has made to them. Specific examples are needed to include in the evaluation. A timeline on the back of the IMLS handout shows upcoming deadlines for the next two years. An evaluation letter from the Library Commission is due to IMLS by 1/19/01. The five-year evaluation is due April 2002 and the next five-year plan is due July 2002.

Rod stated that a national coalition has been formed to strategize and lead the effort to reauthorize LSTA. Reauthorization will be a major initiative during the next year. Focus will be on what could be done with additional funding.

Better information for planning may be provided through focus groups rather than holding information sessions for random participants. We want whatever is most meaningful and gives the best information for the plan.

A comment was made that this sounds similar to the media approach, it was suggested that we might want to send people to observe happenings in libraries. Concern was also expressed that we not overemphasize the technology portion of library service because it encourages those who believe everything is on the Internet so we no longer need libraries. The largest portion of budget goes into personnel, and we do not traditionally evaluate the services provided by the staff. This area needs to be addressed.

Council Roundtable

John Dale - February 2002 is the planned opening date for both new branches. The Loren Corey Eisely Branch, on 15th and Superior, will be 33,600 square feet. The bookmobile will occupy 2,000 square feet of the space. The Bess Dodson Walt branch, on South 14th Street, will be about 31,700 square feet and a police substation will be located in it. The city is planning to find an additional 13 FTE per new branch. Coffee bar will be done on a contract basis.

Susan Baird - The author tour was extremely successful. Susie attended a Department of Economic Development session that stated the national entity allows but state objective does not allow libraries to apply for grants. Susie suggested we keep at them, maybe they will change.

Karen Drevo - Commissioner Wally Seiler portrayed Mark Twain for a fundraiser event. Book sale is happening right now and probably will last a while. Planning has started for next summer 's Youth Literature festival. The Outreach librarian position is current a half-time position but the need continues to grow.

Jane Wall - Grand Island teachers now have a new contract. Last year funds were spent on books of interest to children at their reading level. They are now asking to purchase materials at higher reading levels.

Richard Miller - Ellen Van Waart has been appointed Director of Learning Resources at Western Iowa Community College in Council Bluffs.

Rod Wagner - Christa Burns was recently hired for the OCLC Member Services Coordinator position.

Tom Schmitz - The HHS Consortium is in Phase 3, the circulation phase, of their grant program. They are looking at a panel discussion of the project for the next NLA conference. Barb Voeltz is the new chair of the S&I section of NLA. A committee is working on a certification program for institutional librarians.

Stan Gardner - Peru is still looking for library personnel. Wayne State has added 10-15,000 volumes a year, and has fewer total items in collection than before Stan arrived at the library. They recently held a book sale and make $1,200 from sales. They are holding the Short Story Contest for the second year. Bulk loan has increased quite a bit this year. The book exam center is working well. Three years of new materials are kept in the exam center. An online course on the Internet will be announced soon. A user survey showed that students would like the library open 24 hours a day. The College and University section of NLA will hold a spring meeting at Wayne State College.

Mo Khamouna - GIS and how it applies to agriculture will be taught starting next semester. Follett representative gave advice on how to put collection on Internet. The college would like to make materials available to a wider area. Mo is currently working on two grants. He is also working on a collection development policy.

Steve Davis - NEMA has an update of the Nebraska Guide for Planning & Evaluating School Media Centers. It will be published nationally by Libraries Unlimited.

Sylvia Person - SACL has allowed her to understand the scope of the state, how the Library Commission works, and about the Library Systems. She also mentioned that last spring she lost her certified media assistant and has now lost her replacement.

Jim Bothmer - They have been experiencing growing pains with SIRSI. They are negotiating with Mary Lanning Hospital in Hastings to put their collection on the database.

Ken Oyer - Ken has lost his half-time person. ICON is also developing a web site:

Kathy Lute - Ogallala held a book sale in September and the funds will go to the Summer Reading program for children. The new hospital is now open; it is the first new one built in rural Nebraska for a long time. The library has done a feasibility study and could add on to the library for $700,000. Ogallala is growing, so they are not sure an addition would be enough room.

Carol Speicher - The Northeast Library System held a workshop on basic cataloging, 30 people attended and they had to turn some away. Technology is a hot topic for the "Really Great Library Group," which will meet soon.

Mike Herbison - UNK will embark on a weeding project soon. President Clinton will arrive next Friday; he will make a presentation at UNK, visit the Archway and leave by noon.

Kathy Tooker - Becky Pasco, UNO professor, offers a Media Specialist training. Becky has Kathy address her class each semester. Springfield broke ground for a new building. Bellevue is considering a new library branch. The Saunders County Library group is in the process of getting their catalogs connected by wireless technology. Brenda Ealey and Kathy are planning a Spring Fling, a social night as a fundraiser for scholarships.

Richard Voeltz - The Love Library renovation is on schedule and plans to be completed in 2002.

Mary Nash - Creighton is looking at weeding reference and government collections. Mary has been volunteering 15-20 minutes a night at her son 's school media center and it is a worthwhile experience. Sally Payne is the next NLA Vice-president. Mary thanked the SACL group, and reiterated what Sylvia said about serving on the Council.

Jeff Gilderson-Duwe - Holdrege is about to launch promotion of web catalog, 2,000 volumes from NetLibrary will be included in the catalog. Jeff applied for a grant to cover the cost of printing "Rules of the Road" booklet for kids and parents regarding Internet.

Brenda Ealey - Fairbury Public Library has been without a Director since the spring. Boni Hathaway retired and at the recent CASTL meeting mentioned she is willing to fill the Director 's position temporarily until they hire a new Director.

Recommendations and Resolutions

The following Council members were recognized for completing their first or second terms. Completing first terms were: Mo Khamouna, Tom Schmitz, and Jane Wall. Completing second terms were: Sylvia Person, Jeanne Saathoff, Kathy Tooker, and Richard Voeltz.

Stan Gardner stated that SACL should address the library personnel recruitment and retention issue during this next year.

A check-off box on state income tax return form was suggested earlier in the year. Rod will research to find out what is required to achieve it.

Next Meeting

The next meeting is March 22 & 23, 2001 in Lincoln at the Nebraska Library Commission.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:02 p.m. (CST).

For more information, contact Sue Biltoft.