Meeting Minutes
Millard Branch Library, Omaha, NE
March 12, 2004
State Advisory Council members present: Jim Bothmer, Janice
Boyer, Nancy Cantin, Steve Davis, Karen Drevo, Brenda Ealey, Nancy Escamilla,
Jeff Gilderson-Duwe, Pat Gross, Maggie Harding, Gretchen Healy, Theresa Jehlik,
Diana Johnson, Kathy Lute, Sharon Osenga, Rebecca Pasco, Ruth Seward, John
Seyfarth, and Mary Anne Smith.
Commission members: Richard Jussel, Mary Nelson, Kristen
Rogge, and Wally Seiler. Commission staff: Kit Keller, Maria Medrano-Nehls,
Richard Miller, Sally Snyder, and Rod Wagner. Guests: Kathy Tooker, Eastern
Library System and Marty Magee, National Library of Medicine.
Welcome and Introductions
Approval of the Agenda: A motion was made and seconded to
approve the agenda. Motion approved.
Approval of Minutes (November 14, 2003): Brenda Ealey asked
that the minutes show she attended the November meeting. A motion was made and
seconded to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion approved.
State Biennium Budget update - In January, the Governor
proposed a budget recommendation for most state agencies that would reduce most
state agency operating budget by 2.5% and state aid funds by 1% reduction (for
those agencies that have state aid appropriations). The Legislature's
Appropriations Committee has recommended that agency appropriations for
operations be reduced by 1% and state aid funds be reduced by .5%.
LB 784 - Rod Wagner stated that this bill includes
provisions for financing joint facilities and other capital projects, including
technology. The bill would allow local government entities to finance capital
projects by issuing bonds. This would permit long term debt financing for
buildings and major technology purchases. The bill has advanced from general
file and has been designated as a priority bill.
LSTA Reauthorization and Federal Library Program
Appropriations - Rod Wagner reported that the appropriations bill that includes
LSTA funds was enacted and includes a 10% increase for LSTA. The funds for the
IMLS Librarians for the 21st Century grant program were increased
from $10 million to $20 million. The Librarians for the 21st Century
grant program provides funding for scholarships and library science education
programs (recruitment and retention). Last year, the Nebraska Library Commission
submitted an application for funds from this new IMLS program. The project was
not funded, but the application received favorable comments and a recommendation
for funding from the reviewers. The Library Commission has submitted another
application this year for a similar project. An announcement concerning grant
awards is expected by September.
Rod Wagner also stated that $32 million was appropriated
for what is labeled Congressional directed grants. These are funds that
individual Senators and Representatives get added to appropriations bills for
home-state projects. Nebraska does not have any of its Congressional delegation
members on appropriations committees. Rod also stated that the LSTA base
allotment for states has been the same for many years. The recent LSTA
reauthorization allowed for an increase in the state base allotment. Nebraska
will receive an increase of $138,000. Nebraska's current LSTA allotment is $1.1
million. Rod stated there is a web site to get information on federal grant
programs and includes a capability to apply for grants on-line; the web site is
Nebraska Public Guidelines Revision Project - Kit Keller
reported that a revised set of guidelines will be implemented this summer. Kit
stated that she researched and gathered input from across the state. The
guidelines will, as proposed, be changed to a tier approach. As proposed, the
guidelines will be flexible, allowing adjustments based on changing economics
and the library environment. The public library guideline revision
recommendations will be presented for Library Commission approval at the
Commission's May meeting. Kit encouraged everyone to continue to send in their
LSTA Grants - Kit Keller stated that the Commission
recently completed the annual LSTA competitive grant awards. Fifteen grant
applications were received. On March 8, twelve of the fifteen were awarded. Two
of the grants have revisions so the total amount awarded by the Commission can
not yet be given. In conjunction with those applicants who applied for funding
for digitization projects a second round of "Introduction to Digitization"
training will be offered on April 14. The workshop will be open to others beyond
grant recipient representatives.
Library Technical Assistant Program - Richard Miller stated
that there is a gap in library science education between the basic skills
training provided by the Library Commission and courses offered as part of a
bachelor's or master's degree program at the postsecondary level. Commission
staff, regional system administrators, community college representatives, and
Becky Pasco (University of Nebraska at Omaha) have been working on a project to
provide community college library science courses. The group has worked for over
a year to develop eight courses that would be offered through Nebraska community
colleges. Becky Pasco will teach the first course. The course will be offered by
Metropolitan Community College. Each of the community colleges has been asked
to develop and offer one or more of the courses.
Western Council of State Libraries Continuum of Library
Education Program - Richard Miller stated that the Western Council of State
Libraries is a membership organization of eighteen state library agencies. The
Nebraska Library Commission is a member. The Western Council applied for and
received a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to administer
the three year project. The grant project is intended to develop partnership
arrangements for cooperative training of library personnel. Katherine Helmick
has been hired as the project director. The Western Council hopes to develop a
certified library practitioner program.
A question was asked about what will happen to graduates of
these educational programs when they go back home. Will there be some kind of
economic incentive, a salary ladder to climb or what will be the benefit beyond
the additional knowledge gained? Kit Keller stated that the program will provide
them with credentials. Kit further stated that the guidelines are something that
can be looked to for guidance, but if a minimal salary level is set then if the
library can't meet that requirement a domino effect can result because the
library would lose its accreditation, lose its state aid and the ability to
apply for grants.
It was suggested that the Commission develop a position
paper on wages on what is fair and equitable pay based on data. Wally Seiler
stated that perhaps the way for the Commission to help is to develop educational
programs to help librarians to be their own best advocates within their own
communities. Rod Wagner stated that the Vermont Library Association recently
published a document on library worker salaries. Some other states have also
conducted salary studies (e.g., Kansas). Kit Keller stated that another good
resource related to salary and wage issues and data is the Library Mosaic
publication for library paraprofessionals.
Gates Foundation Library Program - Richard Miller reported
that the Commission received a $67,000 grant from the Gates Foundation to be
used for technology related training. The Commission turned in a plan but will
be making some changes due to the fact that the Commission won't be purchasing
programs from OCLC as originally planned. The Gates Foundation has contracted
with OCLC to create the WebJunction portal. Richard also stated that he and Pam
Scott will be doing a presentation on Copyright for the Municipal Clerk
Institute. City clerks must be certified every three years. The University of
Nebraska at Omaha conducts the clerk's training program.
Nebraska Virtual Library Project - Rod Wagner stated that
NebraskAccess was introduced statewide in January. Shannon Behrhorst and her
staff will be making presentations and providing demonstrations. Project
marketing materials are available on-line.
EndowNebraska and LB 879 - Rod Wagner reported that Jeff
Yost could not attend today's Council meeting. Rod reported that EndowNebraska
is a legislative initiative seeking tax incentives for contributions to Nebraska
non-profit organizations. The initiative is building a coalition of
organizations. The bill has been advanced out of committee and is on general
file. The bill may not advance this session due to the short session and number
of other bills under consideration. The State Advisory Council may want to
consider endorsing the bill.
Eastern Library System - Kathy Tooker stated that she is
the Eastern Library System Administrator. Her system is the smallest system
geographically, but includes 40% of the state's population. The region includes
32 public libraries and with Omaha public library 41 library buildings. There
are 90 school districts with 275 school buildings and 32 special libraries. The
system is run by a governing board. Nancy Meyer is the Administrative Assistant
for the Eastern Library System. Kathy is pleased with the DIRECT group - library
directors who meet every other month. There is also a CLICK group (children's
librarians) that meets quarterly. The ELS has an active continuing education
committee that plans workshops, and a technology committee that plans and
provides training. The ELS annual meeting will be held June 4 at the LaVista
public library. The annual meeting will be held in conjunction with NEMA. The
ELS board is hosting a wine tasting fund raiser with music by Ken Oyer on April
16. The System Administrators will be hosting a "50s sock-hop at the NLA/NEMA
conference. This event will be in conjunction with the NLA banquet.
Omaha Public Library - Rivkah Sass, Director - Rivkah Sass
stated that she has been the Omaha Public Library Director for six months. Rivka
stated that 34% of the people in Omaha have a library card. She hopes to make
the library a virtual library, would like staff to reflect the community, be
more responsive to the needs of the community, make available electronic
outreach and make it easier to pay fines. Rivkah has been speaking to community
groups asking them to help her and the staff by telling them what they need to
do to reach the community. She sees a lot of changes that need to be made in the
libraries to become more relevant to the community. Rivkah would like to find a
way for the libraries, especially the downtown library, to serve the needs of
the homeless, new English speakers and the business community population and do
it with a little more grace. The Washington branch which serves north Omaha will
soon be renovated and use the concept of one service desk. The library will have
self service checkout, snack and drink vending machines. The Omaha Public
Library has signed an interlocal agreement with Metropolitan Community College
to build a joint youth facility in south Omaha, and the main library is being
Council Roundtable
Becky Pasco - Becky stated that a couple of exciting things
have occurred in the midst of library education in the state. The UNO library
science program includes a service learning component. Service learning means
that the student must conduct a project that assists a library or community
organization. Examples of projects are digitizing the Omaha Habitat for
Humanities archives; a grant application allowed for the purchase of an
automated system for Family Services which has a small library in the community
center. The students weeded, cataloged and upgraded the library.
UNO students cataloged a specialized collection
of books on antique and rare dolls; books for University Art Center in Lincoln,
NE. In another project, UNO students
put together a brochure for Omaha homeless shelters which listed free or
inexpensive things that families in shelters could do with their children.
Sharon Osenga - Sharon said that the regional library
systems are bringing in Pat Wagner for a Marketing & Advocacy workshop. The
workshop will be held at six different sites. The regional systems received an
LSTA grant written on behalf of ten libraries to conduct multicultural
programming and purchase library materials. The new administrator for the
Northeast Library System is Kathy Ellerton; she will begin on March 15. Kevin
Leapley, RVLS administrator, has turned in his resignation. Kearney and Grand
Island public libraries are moving forward on building expansion projects.
Karen Drevo - Karen stated that the Norfolk public library
is upgrading the library's exterior with landscaping and additional outdoor
lighting. The library is adding adult programming. A building assessment is also
being considered. The 10th Annual Literature Festival is coming
soon. Karen stated the library received a grant from Target and is using the
grant funds to provide an after-school make-n-take program. Karen will be
handling the summer reading program workshop this year. She has invited Patty
Sinclair, the editor of this year's summer reading program, to present a three
hour workshop on crafts and activities. Platte community college, and possibly
Columbus public schools, will join the Northeast Library System. Karen will be
attending the Cooperative Summer Library Program in April with Sally Snyder.
There are now 27 states in the cooperative. Norfolk received a Children's
Services grant from the Commission this year and is using the grant to introduce
Spanish language experiences into their lapsit, story times and toddler times.
The grant has assisted with purchasing materials. Two weeks ago, staff started
to include songs, fingerplays, and stories in English and Spanish in the
storytimes. There has been a wonderful response to the program.
Nancy Escamilla - Nancy stated that the Scottsbluff public
library is also considering an expansion or a new library facility. The library
board has met with the City Council concerning library facility needs. The
community has expressed support for a building expansion. Pat Wagner will be
meeting with the library board and community members on March16 to discuss
marketing strategies for a library building project. Bev Russell, Scottsbluff
public library director, recently attended Gates Foundation training in Seattle.
Bev Russell said the training was a valuable experience and she returned with an
action plan for the library. Bev also attended the PLA conference while in
Seattle and attended many workshops on buildings and marketing. The Panhandle
Library System has booked Carol Nelson Douglas, an author, for a fall tour.
Nancy Escamilla stated that one of the NLA preconference
programs this year is called Hispanic Voices @ your library. Sessions at the
preconference are: Spanish That Works, by Elizabeth Ahlman; Yolanda Cuesta,
multi-cultural consultant, Luis Rodriguez, author; and Francisco Jimenez,
author. Nancy stated she and Bev Russell are very excited to be on the
preconference committee and both are thrilled to be involved in this event
because this is something that is very much needed in western Nebraska with
their high percentage of Latino population. Nancy stated that Maria has done so
much on this committee and thanked her. Karen Drevo said the committee is very
Pat Gross - Pat stated she was new to the group and
represents Gering High School. In her area, the public library and school
library share resources. They have a group made up of librarians,
paraprofessionals and media specialist who meet every two months during the
school year to discuss issues and share ideas. Recently, school and public
librarians attended a Follett workshop and a digital camera workshop. Pat is a
member of the Panhandle Library System board and stated that Cherie Longmuir is
Gretchen Healy - Gretchen stated that the library at Little
Priest Community College recently moved into a new building. Funds for the
building came from the Lily Foundation and the Department of Agriculture.
Gretchen will attend an American Indian Higher Education Consortium Library
workshop. The library received a $141,000 IMLS grant to develop a community
technology center and to hire an assistant librarian. The public is finding out
the library has space so community groups are asking to use it. Gretchen is
hoping to get the librarians in Thurston county together to see if there is a
way to work together cooperatively on projects. Gretchen stated that tribal
children come from an oral tradition so the library is doing a "Read to Me"
night. Parents will read to the children and then will be given a book when they
leave. The library is also conducting a prenatal program to encourage mothers to
read to their unborn child.
MeMe Smith - MeMe stated that Schuyler is offering computer
classes; they are planning a prime time reading program and conversational
English/Spanish club. MeMe stated that she participated in the PLA conference
and attended programs on diversity and marketing. She is training her staff on
the use of NebraskAccess.
Diana Johnson - Diana stated that the Stromsburg public
library catalog is on the web. The library has just finished brown bag sessions.
The library also received a Children's Services grant to purchase theme based
discovery packs. The library will be taking story time to the daycare centers.
The library foundation is finishing the basement. The project will result in a
large meeting room. The four libraries in Polk County are working together on a
One Book/One County project.
Kathy Lute - Kathy stated that Ogallala public library
director Charlotte Kumor has retired. A new library director has been hired.
Steve Davis - Steve stated that Kearney public library
building plans are proceeding. The city hopes to purchase the whole block in
order to expand their existing site. The Kearney public school district is
planning to upgrade computers in two of the middle schools.
Nancy Cantin - Nancy stated that the plans are still to
close the Norfolk and Hastings Regional Centers. The NAIL group continues to
work on library guidelines.
Ruth Seward - Ruth stated that Lexington passed a bond
issue to build a new library. The library board purchased half of the block
across from the current library building. The library received a Children's
Service grant to bring in Antonio Sacre, the author of The Barking Mouse,
on April 13. Antonio will present at both the school and public library. The
public library is still seeking a director. The public school had Gary Soto,
bilingual author, present to the elementary school children during Dr. Seuss's
100th birthday anniversary celebration. Ruth received several
thousand dollars for collection development in the school media centers.
Mary Nelson - Mary stated she was thrilled to attend the
SACL meeting. Holdrege public library held a Dr. Seuss birthday party and had
over 300 children attend.
Kristen Rogge - Kristen said she was thrilled to attend the
SACL meetings.
Wally Seiler - Wally stated that he will be completing his
second term on the Library Commission in June. He has always been impressed with
the SACL and has learned much from the group.
Jim Bothmer - Jim stated that the Creighton University
Health Sciences Library received a 15% capital funds increase for next year.
Library staff recently had training on a streaming video project. A reference
librarian was recently hired. The library has purchased Wired MD, a streaming
video of patient education materials.
Kit Keller - Kit stated that the distribution of 2004 state
aid funds was over $328,000. That amount was reduced from last year due to the
state aid funding reduction.
Marty Magee - Marty stated that she is the new National
Network for Medicine person. She hopes everyone will remember her as their
health information resource. Medline Plus is a health information link for
consumers. To preview the web site go to Medline Plus is now
available in Spanish and could be helpful for those libraries with large
Hispanic populations. Marty stated that there are grant funds available from the
National Library of Medicine. To apply, a library must be a full network member
or an affiliate member. Any library can be an affiliate member. The grant is to
improve access to electronic health information for groups or organizations with
consumers who are underserved. The grant encourages organizations to work
together to provide this service to the community. Go Local, is located on the
Medline Plus web site and provides access to information resources available
locally. An "It's About Time, It's About Space" workshop will be offered in
Omaha on April 23. Presenter Lynne Fox will teach how to manage time and stay
organized using electronic and paper tools.
Brenda Ealey - Brenda stated that the NLA just finished a
very successful Legislative Day. NLA sections are planning spring meetings. The
Public Library section will hold its spring meeting on March 17, 19 and 20 at
different locations. The topics will include: "Being a Professional Person is
not all About the Credentials," and "Teen Space:
Capturing Teen Imagination in the Library." The NLA/NEMA
conference will be held October 6-8 in Grand Island. The Southeast Library
System is planning its summer reading program workshop on March 25. The system
will hold a regional training event in Lincoln on May 7. SELS and NEMA will
jointly host an Institute on April 3 at Norris school. Lincoln City libraries
did a One Book/One Kid program that targeted third graders. The selected book
was Tales of a Third Grade Nothing.
Maggie Harding - Maggie stated that the Nebraska Library
Association currently has 700 paid members. The NLA Trustees, Users and Friends
section is working with Lynn Bradman on a "What Trustees Should Know" program.
Planned giving has reached their goal of $10,000 in pledges. That amount was set
as a target goal to initiate the fund. Planned giving will be promoted for
continued growth of the new NLA endowment fund. Maggie reminded everyone that
the scholarship fund is also an important item to support.
Jan Boyer - UNO- The University Library received a $1
million dollar gift. The library should have an addition in two years.
Sally Snyder - Sally stated that the NLA Public Library
section will hold its spring meetings in May and one of the topics is "Teen
Spaces." Teen Spaces will be presented by Kimberly Bolan Taney, Network
Administrator and Patron Services Librarian at the Webster Public Library in New
Sally stated that she has held three video conferences on
young adult services and will be holding a video conference on April 16 on
Services for Hispanic youth. Karen Drevo will be presenting information on
bilingual story time that she gathered when she attended the REFORMA conference.
In addition, Pam Scott will present ideas from the PLA conference. Maria
Medrano-Nehls and Sally Snyder will provide information on outreach, marketing
and resources. Sally also stated that she will begin classes toward an MLS
degree in May.
2005-2007 State Biennium Budget Planning and Timetable -
Rod Wagner stated that this is the year that state government agencies prepare
their budget requests for the next biennium. The budget request is due by
September 15. Further discussion of the biennium budget request will be included
on the Council's July meeting agenda.
Election of Vice-Chair -
Jim Bothmer, Council chair,
asked for nominations for the vice-chair position. Ruth Seward nominated Nancy
Escamilla. Karen Drevo seconded the nomination. No other nominations were made.
A motion was made to accept Nancy Escamilla's nomination. The motion was voted
on and approved.
Adoption of Resolution -
Jim Bothmer stated
that a resolution was needed to endorse EndowNebraska and LB879. A motion was
made, seconded and approved to endorse the EndowNebraska initiative. A form will
be completed and sent to the appropriate person.
Meeting Dates and Locations -
he Council discussed
future meeting dates and arrangements. It was suggested that the July 16th
meeting be held at the Little Priest Tribal College in Winnebago, from
9:30-2:30, and November 19 at the Nebraska Library Commission offices in
Adjournment -
The meeting was adjourned at 2:01 p.m.