Meeting Minutes
State Advisory Council on Libraries
June 13, 1997
Present: Joan Birnie, Phyllis Brunken, John Dale, Susan
Baird, Stan Gardner, Michael LaCroix, Ken Oyer, Donna Peterson, Jeanne
Saathoff, Troy Strom, Kathy Tooker, Richard Voeltz, Sharon Wiegert and
Sally Wise.
Staff Present: Rod Wagner, Nancy Busch, Sally Snyder and
Annie Sternburg.
Guests Present: Maggie Harding and Pam Scott.
Welcome and
The meeting was called to order by Chair, Jeanne Saathoff
at 10:05 a.m.. Introductions were given around the
Ken Oyer moved and Richard Voeltz seconded the motion
that the agenda be approved with the change of lunch
at 11:30. Motion was approved by acclamation.
Richard Voeltz moved and Michael LaCroix seconded the
motion that the minutes of the March 13 and 14 meeting
be approved. Motion was approved by acclamation.
Announcements: Stan Gardner invited the State Advisory
Council on Libraries members to visit the Wayne State College, Conn Library.
Stan Gardner also encouraged the Council members to visit the Public
Library and new construction, 1 block west of existing library
Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA):
A discussion on the Library Services and Technology Act
will be held later in the meeting.
Universal Service Fund Telecommunications
Rod Wagner updated the Council on the potential
discounts for libraries and schools. The Federal Communications Commission
issued their report on May 8. The FCC tightened up a few areas and changed
the focus to public libraries and K-12 schools. The federal telecommunications
law enacted in 1996 provided that eligibility would be the same as the
Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), which included virtually any
library. The FCC decided to tighten these requirements, a library now has
to be a separate budgeting entity.
The Federal school lunch program will be used to determine
at what level (from 20 to 90%) the discount for libraries and schools will
be. The Nebraska Library Commission's web site has a matrix table that
will show the level for communities in Nebraska.
Each library and school must have a technology plan prior
to qualifying for the discount: mailings included a worksheet to assist
in developing the technology plan. For public libraries, the Library Commission
will be the agency to certify that each library has a technology plan and
qualifies for the discount. The Nebraska Department of Education will certify
schools. The application form, to be completed by each library and school, will be a approximately two pages.
Included in the discounts will be internal wiring, equipment
(such as servers), business lines, Internet connections, upgrade or install
a dedicated line. We want to be sure schools and libraries are ready to
apply for these discounts. There will be a $2.25 billion annual cap, on
a first come, first serve basis for the whole country. Education Service
Units (ESUs) will be actively involved as well. A meeting will be held
in Kearney in mid-July. The earliest date to apply is July 1, 1997. Application
forms are not available yet, possibly by late summer or early fall. Existing
contracts will also qualify. Discounts can be for existing services,
as well as new services.
The Library Commission home page has a section on the
Universal Services Fund. It also links the use to other sites, such as
the American Library Association home page, with information. The address
for the information on the Library Commission home
page is: /nsf/universal.html
For the Universal Services Fund as it applies to Nebraska,
"rural" is defined as every place outside Lincoln
and Omaha.
It was noted that libraries should be alerted to talk
to schools to form a consortium. Lottery grants could
be a part of the team plan.
State Legislation
Rod Wagner reported on public library legislation. LB
250 passed this year. Changes were made in the statutes to make it easier
for citizen initiatives to get a public library issue on a county ballot.
LB 250 creates a way for communities within a county to join a county system
and makes it more flexible for local governments to add representation
to a library board. The bill also allows for determination of personnel
issues involved in a municipality joining a county library
Phyllis Brunken reported that LB 806 and LB 180 passed.
LB 806 was designed to correct some problems created by legislation passed
in the 1996 session. The school budget year has a zero budget increase
for the upcoming year. The following year school budgets are to be at $1.10
per 1000. This limit will affect some communities and not others. There
is a formula based on urban, rural, sparsity, and cultural needs that allows
additional funds. The ESUs have a zero budget increase for next year, and
take a 50% cut the following year. Beginning in 1998-99, the ESUs will
have $9.1 million in a trust fund to support staff development, technology,
and instructional resources as care services. This is three million less
than the amount currently budgeted for ESUs.
Troy Strom reported on a bill to allow citizens to pay
for city services with credit card. A bill passed for contracts to be let
out for bid if the contract is over $20,000 (up from $10,000). The property
tax issue is still in committee, it would have allowed
up to 70 cents rather than keeping it at the 45 cents level.
Biennium Budget
Rod Wagner reported the Legislature did appropriate in
their budget $500,000 a year for each year of the biennium. The Governor
vetoed the entire amount. The Legislature did not choose to over-ride that
part of the veto. The Governor is willing to meet
with some library representatives, probably in July.
Council members need to bring their legislator into their
library during the summer, fall, or early winter, to let
him or her know what the library has, and doesn't have.
Libraries for the 21st
Century - - Long Range Plan (discussion)
Where are we, and where do we go from here?
Nancy Busch gave some background information on the
of the draft Long Range Plan. A copy was disseminated to the Council. Members
were directed to page seven, to look at Nebraska Library Commission: Priority
Goal Areas. Discussion was held on these six areas, and Council members
were asked to note any important items that were
Rod Wagner noted that the General Affairs Committee has
an interim study resolution that will look at the
effect of budget and property tax lids on public libraries sometime this
summer and fall.
Discussion included:
Goal Area 1: concerning Resource Sharing, statewide contracts
for electronic databases are a high priority item. There is lots of interest
across the state for this type of program.
Goal Area 2: are there any plans for a statewide public relations
campaign promoting library services?
If public libraries position themselves as the source for
reading at home, that would be a positive image which could be a promotion
campaign point.
How would it be paid for? NLA?
Are you considering it as an individual effort?
All radio and TV stations play public service
We need a clear understanding of what the priorities are
before a statewide promotion is undertaken.
There may be a role in it for the Council.
Goal Area 3: concerning technology development, we need to
focus on how to help libraries prepare themselves for Universal Services
funds and Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) opportunities.
Goal Area 4: we need to raise continuing education to new
Goal Area 5: concerning populations, a state level needs
assessment on a non-English speaking
people, to assess needs and develop options to assist.
The meeting recessed at 11:30 a.m. for lunch
The meeting reconvened at 12:40 p.m.
Discussion Continued
Goal Area 2: The design team concept is to bring together
different perspectives to look at possible mechanisms for innovative and
effective library service, and also look at how the accreditation and
processes relate to the whole issue.
It is time to start building scenarios as examples of possible
mechanisms for this goal area.
Goal Area 3: Technological Development, a brief discussion
was held concerning past construction grant requests and the possible future,
or lack of, for it.
It is possible to require libraries under a certain size
to be part of a larger planning group in order to qualify for a technology
Goal Area 3 and 2 are essential partnerships for the
The Microsoft grant application required the applicants to
seek partners and tell what they were going to do together. It was a good
Once the new priorities are set, let people know exactly
what they are and stick to them.
Goal Area 4: We want the continuing education and training
to focus on our priority goal areas.
Goal Area 5: Let us know if you think non-English speaking
populations are an important area for service.
Goal Area 6: We should be involved with the Information
Committee of Kim
Nebraska Library Commission Web
Site Evaluation (Annie Sternburg):
Annie Sternburg distributed a handout reproducing the
Nebraska Library Commission home page sections. A discussion was held on
the items available and the design of the home page. Council members
gave Annie suggestions and comments concerning the home page.
Council Roundtable (member reports)
Ken Oyer: County integration is continuing. Bergan Mercy
Medical Center is acquiring Midlands Hospital.
Phyllis Brunken: Educational Service Unit 7 is updating
their web site and putting the media catalog up on the web site. This summer
the Midwest Internet Institute will be held in Lincoln on Aug. 11 &
12 A web page is available concerning the
Joan Birnie: The summer reading program is underway, the
theme is good and easy to work with. Budget planning for the Broken Bow
Public Library is also underway. The library has been told their will be
no increase in spending. A Friends Group is being started. The Eagle scout
troop has taken on the library lawn as a project and
is working on landscape planning at the present time.
Pam Scott: Panhandle Library System is gearing up for
the summer theater session. Officially called the Panhandle Library System
Summer Theater program with WNCC Theater West, it is performed at 19 accredited
libraries or nearby parks in those communities. It will be held June 16
through the 30, and is titled "Magic Tree." We are presently looking for
a mystery author to come to the Panhandle in August. Two libraries in the
Panhandle Library System received Microsoft grants and are very excited.
Susie Baird: The Summer Reading Program has just been
completed. The program was done in cooperation between the Gering and
Public Libraries. Gering and Scottsbluff are also planning together. As
part of the joint planning process, a survey was recently sent to the public,
and a focus group will meet soon. The information gathered has been very
interesting. Using the CLIP plan, the Gering Public
Library is working toward a building expansion.
Rod Wagner: Thank you to Stan Gardner for hosting the
State Advisory Council on Libraries meeting today.
Richard Voeltz: The University of Nebraska - Lincoln academic
year has been completed. The library is continuing to turn itself into
a learning organization. The card catalog will disappear soon. The library
is completing retrospective conversion, weeding the
collection, and updating computer software.
Sally Snyder: distributed a list of all libraries that
have applied for Title II grants for construction or technology from 1991-1997.
The list also indicates which libraries received a grant. A separate
document was distributed that lists only the recipients of a 1997
Title II construction or technology grant.
Sally Wise: The University of Nebraska - Lincoln Schmid
Law Library has been working on a web site. The Law Library is also developing
an institute, for lawyers, on the use of technology in the practice of
law. A survey will be sent out this summer or fall
to all attorneys to learn what they will need at the law library.
John Dale: Lincoln City Libraries is cautiously optimistic
about city budget this year. The library has been working on in-house LAN
and will have more to set up. The 5th and 6th 3M self-checkout units have
been installed. About 22-30% of the checkouts are going through the unit.
The library is hoping to have some certainty on the Northwest site selection
for a branch library. The site will be selected by the library board. The
Summer Reading Program is also in progress. Staff has introduced the Summer
Reading Program to 6,650 kids prior to start of
Sharon Wiegert: The Summer Reading Program has 275 enrolled.
It is a tight fit in the meeting room for all the children enrolled in
the program. The library has put children's CD-ROM items on computers for
children. Six computers are available all day long. An hour limit per person
has been placed on the computers.
Troy Strom: Ashland received a Microsoft computer grant.
The community is really using it and a time limit has been placed on the
computer. A volunteer is automating the library's card catalog system.
A new water sprinkler system has been acquired for the library. Also, Ashland
is one of the public libraries involved in developing
a county-wide plan for Saunders County.
Michael LaCroix: The health science library's hot water
heater leaked over the unbound periodicals. They were frozen and then shipped
to Texas for freeze-drying. The turn around time will be at least three
months due to flooding in Minnesota, etc. Having a disaster plan really
made a difference. Every library should have one.
Other news is that the library is discarding the shelf list, it will all
be electronic now.
Stan Gardner: The Northeast Library System's Institute
was held at Wayne State College last week. This is the 14th
year it has been held here. The library is now going through the conspectus
for collection management and they are learning some interesting facts.
A lot of weeding needs to be done. Also, document
delivery service to extended campus students has increased 300%.
Jeanne Saathoff: The Summer Reading Program is also underway
at Kearney. In addition, the library's budget process has begun. The long
range goals have been submitted to the city council. Any cuts to the library
budget will be known by next Tuesday. Kearney Tomorrow, the future of Internet,
Windows, Excel and etc. classes for the public are very popular. The library
has had an overwhelming response from citizens. Presently
the library is reworking the home page.
Donna Peterson: The Lincoln Public Schools are bringing
schools onto the Dynix system. A district wide network will reach all schools
by August 1998. The Library Power project has just completed its 4th year.
All 51 sites have now been updated. There has been a 50% turnover rate
in media staff in the past few years. The Lincoln
school system is looking to collaborate with the city library on several
Kathy Tooker: The Eastern Library System meeting last
week was attended by 75. The Children's Librarians Retreat for September
will be held at Camp Carol Joy Holling. Douglas county librarians are meeting to discuss how to provide service to all citizens
of the county. Current plans are to use the mail.
Maggie Harding: Will begin her first term as the president
of Southeast Library System. in July. Richard Miller, Southeast Library
System Administrator is leaving for a position at the Library Commission.
Southeast Library System's office has to move from Union College. The Library
System is currently looking at a site near 57th & R Street
in Lincoln. Maggie is also on the Friends board in Crete, the group recently
held an ice cream social to raise funds for the summer reading program.
The Community technology group in Crete has had one
meeting recently.
NLC Internet Policy Statement
It was noted a hot link to the Nebraska Intellectual
Freedom Handbook needs to be added on the Internet Use Policy page.
Phyllis Brunken moved, Ken Oyer seconded the motion to table discussion
of the NLC Internet Policy Statement until the September
Council meeting. Motion was approved by acclamation.
Council Goals and Organization
Bylaws Revisions:
The sub-committee formed at the last Council meeting held
a telephone conference call on June 4, 1997. The recommendations for Bylaws
changes came from this meeting. Discussion was held on the suggested changes.
Two additional changes were recommended by the Council as a whole. The
revised draft of Bylaws changes will be distributed to the Council at least
ten days prior to the September meeting to meet the
requirement of written notice prior to adopting amended Bylaws.
1997 Priority Issues and Agenda
Discussion items for the priority issues and agenda for
the Council for 1997 included.
Where can libraries get funding for the projects they want
to do? Back to Legislature, is there anywhere else?
Keno funds are used for community betterment projects. Are
other town/city councils receptive to the use of funds for library needs.
Good source of additional funding in communities with Keno.
Is the Council willing to continue to consider Libraries
for the 21st Century a priority?
The Council needs to take an active and positive role to
bring all librarians into supporting Libraries for the 21st
Century. Universal support is needed to be successful.
An outside observer noted that the Lincoln City Libraries
stated that 85% of the respondents said children and youth are most important.
Libraries for the 21st Century materials do not mention children.
This is a mistake. Everywhere children and youth are considered extremely
important. It isn't just Lincoln.
The Art of the long View by Peter Schwartz -- talks
about "Global Teenagers"
Be sure to request enough money to accomplish the
Evaluate what we did during this last campaign, and plan
for the next.
Should the NLA/NEMA convention include a session on Libraries
for the 21st Century? Yes
we need to keep it going.
Donna Peterson moved, and Richard Voeltz seconded, that
the Council send a letter requesting to have an active role in the technology
planning initiative recommended at the Governor's Technology Conference
held in Kearney in May. The letter should list all individual Council member
names and libraries. The motion carried.
Stan Gardner moved, and Joan Birnie seconded that: the
focus of the State Advisory Council on Libraries will
continue to be support for Libraries for 21st Century. The motion
Meeting Wrap-Up and
Kathy Tooker moved and Stan Gardner seconded the motion
to adjourn at 3:15 p.m. Motion was approved by acclamation.
Respectfully submitted
Maria Medrano-Nehls