Oxford University Press
Oxford University Press and the Nebraska Library Commission are
once again joining forces to offer cost-saving subscriptions to the following
online databases:
Description / Pricing:
Please contact
Susan Knisely to request a price quote.
Subscription and Purchase Products
- AMA Manual of Style Online (AMA) - purchase and subscription options
- American National Biography Online (ANB) (Access
| About)
- Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International 22ed
- Benezit Dictionary of Artists Online -
purchase and subscription options
- Electronic Enlightenment
Online (EE) - purchase and subscription options
- Grove Art Online (GRA)
(Access |
- Grove Music Online (GRM) (Access |
- New Oxford Shakespeare (NOS)
- Oxford African American Studies Center (AASC)
- Oxford Bibliographies Online
(OBO) - purchase and subscription options
- Oxford Clinical Psychology (OxPsych)
- Oxford Dictionaries (OD) (Access |
- Arabic
- Chinese
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
- Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Online (DNB) (Access
| About)
- Oxford English Dictionary Online (OED)
(Access |
- Oxford Handbooks Online
(OHO) - purchase and subscription options
- Oxford History of Western Music
(OHWM) - purchase and subscription options
- Oxford Reference Library (RL) - over
250 individual titles available for one-time purchase
- Oxford Reference Premium (ORP) (Access |
- Oxford Research Encyclopedias (Access
| About) -
purchase and subscription options
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Encyclopedia of Social Work (OREESW)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Oxford Classical Dictionary (OREOCD)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History (OREAFH)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History (OREAMH)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology (OREANT)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History (OREASH)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science (ORECLI)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication (ORECOM)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance (OREECO)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education (OREEDU)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science (OREESC)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Food Science -
summary articles freely available, paid
content forthcoming
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Global Public Health (OREPUB)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies (OREISA)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History (ORELAMH)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics (ORELIN)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature (ORELIT)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Natural Hazard Science (ORENHS)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (ORENEU)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Physics
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Planetary Science (OREPLS)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics (OREPOL)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology (OREPSY)
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion (OREREL)
- Oxford Scholarly Editions Online (OSEO) (Access
About) -
purchase and subscription options
- Recently added: Greek Poetry; Greek Prose
- Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO)
- Oxford World's Classics (OWC) - purchase and subscription options
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute Yearbook (SIPRI)
- purchase and subscription options
- University Press Scholarship Online (UPSO) -
purchase and subscription options
- British Academy Scholarship Online (BASO) - British Academy
- Cairo Scholarship Online (CSO) - American University in Cairo Press
- California Scholarship Online (CALSO) - University of California
- Chicago Scholarship Online (CHSO) - University of Chicago Press
- Columbia Scholarship Online (CUSO) - Columbia University Press
- Cornell Scholarship Online (CORSO) - Cornell University Press
- Edinburgh Scholarship Online (ESO) - Edinburgh University Press
- Florida Scholarship Online (FLSO) - University Press of Florida
- Fordham Scholarship Online (FSO) - Fordham University Press
- Hawai'i Scholarship Online (HSO) - University of Hawai'i Press
- Hong Kong Scholarship Online (HKSO) - Hong Kong University Press
- Illinois Scholarship Online (ILSO) - University of Illinois
- Kentucky Scholarship Online (KSO) - University Press of Kentucky
- Liverpool Scholarship Online (LSO) - Liverpool University Press
- Manchester Scholarship Online (MSO) - Manchester University Press
- Minnesota Scholarship Online (MNSO) - University of Minnesota Press
- Mississippi Scholarship Online (MSSO) - University Press of
- MIT Press Scholarship Online (MITPSO) - The MIT Press
- North Carolina Scholarship Online (NCSO) - University of North
Carolina Press
- NYU Scholarship Online (NYSO) - New York University Press
- Policy Press Scholarship Online (PPSO) - The Policy Press
- Princeton Scholarship Online (PRSO) - Princeton University Press
- Stanford Scholarship Online (SSO) - Stanford University Press
- Yale Scholarship Online (YSO) - Yale University Press
- Very Short Introductions Online (VSI)
- What Everyone Needs
to Know (WENTK) - purchase and subscription options
- Who's Who and Who Was Who
- World Shakespeare Bibliography (WSB)
Oxford Law Products (calendar year subscription cycle) -
Call for pricing
- Investment Claims (IC)
- Max Panck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (MPECCoL)
- Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law Online (EPIL)
- Oxford Competition Law (OCL)
- Oxford Constitutions of the World (OCW)
- Oxford Historical Treaties (OHT)
- Oxford International Organizations (OXIO)
- Oxford Legal Research Library (OLRL)
- Oxford Reports on International Law (ORIL) content modules:
- Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts (ILDC)
- Oxford Reports on International Human Rights Law (IHRL)
- Oxford Reports on International Criminal Law (ICL)
- Oxford Reports on International Investment Claims (IIC)
- Oxford Reports on International Trade Law Decisions (ITL)
- Oxford Reports on International Law in EU Courts (ILEC)
- Oxford Scholarly Authorities in International Law (OSAIL)
- U.S. Constitutional Law (USC)
Oxford Quick Reference
Oxford Quick Reference will no longer be available
as a subscription option.
Pricing Notes:
Please note some important updates relating to OUP's network business
- OED Online pricing for NEW subscriptions is now determined by an FTE
tier structure like all other products.
- Minimum prices are discontinued on all subscriptions.
Pro-rating School Subscriptions:
Oxford offers very attractive "School
Bundle Pricing" for K-12 schools, and allows the prorating of school
subscriptions throughout the year. There will no longer be a minimum price
for K-12 subscriptions to align with a policy change on direct
Cancellation Policy; User Level Downgrades & Upgrades:
Oxford's policy remains that all subscriptions are non-cancellable and
non-refundable. Additionally, OUP will not allow credits for a user level
downgrade during the course of a subscription. User level upgrades are
always welcome and will be prorated for the appropriate term.
Multi-Campus Academic Institutions / Multi-Branch Public Libraries:
There will be no aggregating of FTE's for academic institutions with
multiple campuses or public library systems with multiple branches. Each
branch will be invoiced separately.
Subscription Term:
- July 1 - June 30
- January 1 - December 31 for Oxford Online Law Resources
Deadline: May 31, 2024 (for a July 1, 2024 start date)
Late Renewals: Beginning in 2020, OUP is discontinuing fees for
late renewals. OUP will automatically cancel any subscription not renewed
by July 1st, so customers will lose access at that time.
New Mid-Term Subscriptions: New mid-term subscriptions will be accepted. Subscription fees will be prorated
for the months remaining in the subscription term, but no subscription fee will
be prorated below the minimum rate.
To Place an Order:
Contact Susan Knisely at 402-471-3849, 800-307-2665 or email
Susan Knisely to request a customized order form.
- Print out and sign EXHIBIT C:
(New subscribers only)
- Print out and sign either
on which applies. (New subscribers only)
- Mail or fax the completed order form and signed agreements to:
Susan Knisely
Nebraska Library Commission
1200 N St., Suite 120
Lincoln, NE 68508-2023
Fax: 402-471-2083
July 1, 2014)
Note: When a member library signs a license with the network for their
subscriptions and purchases, Oxford University Press cannot accept any
changes to the network-subscriber agreement that is provided with the
Oxford-network license. The terms of the license that is negotiated between
the network and Oxford must apply to all libraries that subscribe to or
purchase Oxford online products through the network.
Librarians can use
this form to apply for a 30 day institutional free trial of up to 3 online
Tech Support:
For general questions and technical support for Oxford online resources call 800-334-4249 ext. 6484
or email: online@oup.com
IP Updates:
OUP has partnered with
theIPRegistry.org to handle ongoing IP address management. This external
service checks and manages institutional IP addresses to make sure they're
correct. It helps OUP reduce problems with access and ensures librarians
have accurate usage data with less effort required for maintenance.
Oxford's policy is that all subscriptions are non-cancellable and
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Product Pricing Tiers (Levels)
Please note that all products are now priced according to the 5 pricing tiers
outlined below:
Academic & Higher Ed Institutions (2 year & 4 year), Public, Corporate,
Libraries |
Band |
(2 & 4yr)
Public Library
(pop. served) |
(# of employees
w/network access) |
(# of employees
w/network access) |
A |
0 - 1,500 |
0 - 50,000 |
0 -100 |
0 - 100 |
B |
1,501 - 10,000 |
50,001 - 100,000 |
101 -
500 |
101 -
500 |
C |
10,001 - 20,000 |
100,001 - 250,000 |
501 -
3,000 |
501 -
3,000 |
D |
20,001 - 40,000 |
250,001 - 750,000 |
3,001 -
10,000 |
3,001 -
10,000 |
E |
40,001+ |
750,001+ |
10,001+ |
10,000+ |
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