E-rate Timeline
This is a general timeline. It does not cover the exact deadline dates for a
specific E-rate funding year.
Funding Year
July 1 through the following June 30 (non-recurring services through the
following September 30).
Form 470
- Starts request for services.
Goes live each year on July 1.
- Deadline to submit: at least 28 days before
filing your Form 471. Keep in mind (1) the timeframe for compliance with
all competitive bidding requirements and (2) the Form 471 Application Filing
Window opening and closing dates.
- Will receive Receipt Notification Letter (RNL)
in the News section of your online EPC account.
Wait at least 28 days before signing a contract and/or
submitting your Form 471.
- USAC will email you an EPC
Notification: Allowable Contract Date Reached notice when you can submit your Form 471.
Form 471 Filing Window
- Tells USAC what services you want,
the provider, costs, discount %, contract or Month-To-Month, etc.
- Form 471 can only be submitted during the Application Filing Window - usually
mid-January to mid-March preceding the start of the Funding Year. Exact filing
window dates are posted on the USAC web site.
- Deadline to submit: no later
than 11:59 PM EST on the day of the close of the Form 471 Application Filing
- Will receive Receipt
Acknowledgement Letter (RAL) in the News section of your online EPC
PIA Review
USAC's Program Integrity Assurance (PIA) staff start reviewing
applications, which can take months. PIA may contact you with questions.
FCDL sent
Starting in late Spring, Funding Commitment Decision
Letters (FCDL) sent to applicants via your online EPC account. This continues for months.
SUMMER - July 1 - Start of Funding Year
Form 486
- Confirms start of service and releases funding.
Submit as soon as you receive your FCDL.
- Deadline to
submit: 120 days after the date of the
Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL) or 120 days after the Service Start Date,
whichever is later.
Form 474 / Form 472
- Invoice USAC to receive your discount.
- Form 474 (SPI) submitted by service provider for
discounts on bills.
- Form 472 (BEAR) submitted by applicant for reimbursements.
- Deadline to submit Form 472 (BEAR): 120 days after the date of the Form 486
Notification Letter or 120 days after the last date to receive service,
whichever is later.
- Also must submit Form 498,
Bank Account Information, before submitting BEAR.
Received no later than 60 days after the date of the
Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL).