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2024-2025 Continuing Education and Training Grants

Application for Individuals Applying for Conferences/Online Learning

Application directions

E-mail Address    (applicant must have own email address)
Name of Conference/Course
URL of Conference/Course
Start Date (xx/xx/xx)          End Date

Provide a short justification for attending this conference.
How will taking part in the experience assist you in providing better service to your library's users?

Estimated Expenses (enter all that apply)
Conference/Course Fee
Meals*(estimate at $60 per day - see note below)
Miles TraveledAmount  
PreConference Fees
Membership Fees
Total Estimated Cost

*Meals are reimbursed at per diem rates set by the GSA, as adjusted by the State of Nebraska. The maximum per diem rate is $60. For purposes of this form, provide a meal estimate of $60 per day. Actual reimbursement will be calculated by NLC staff.

In addition to this completed application, we must receive a completed acknowledgement and indication of support form  from the library director, or if the applicant is a library director, from the head of the library board or the city official to whom the director reports. Please print, sign, and send the acknowledgement and indication of support form, this may be submitted during the week following the due date.

Holli Duggan
Nebraska Library Commission
The Atrium
1200 N Street, Suite 120
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508-2023

Phone: 800-307-2665 or 402-471-2694    
Email: Holli Duggan

For more information, contact contact Holli Duggan.