Nebraska Public Library Accreditation

The 2025 Public Library Accreditation process will begin July 1, 2025

12 Minimum Qualifications for a Nebraska Public Library

In order to apply for accreditation, each library must meet the following 12 minimum qualifications for public libraries in Nebraska. Please check each box to certify that your library meets that qualification. Upon successful completion of this form you will be directed to the Accreditation Application.
All Nebraska laws referred to below may be found in the Nebraska Revised Statutes. Click here Help for links to the state statutes and information related to the 12 Qualifications.
  1. Is legally established under state statute.
  2. Complies with Nebraska library laws, rules and regulations, and any other local, Nebraska or federal laws that affect library operations.
  3. Possesses a governing/administrative or advisory library board that operates under written by-laws and that follows Nebraska's Open Meetings Law.
  4. Board is certified by the Nebraska Library Commission.
  5. Director is certified at the required level by the Nebraska Library Commission.
  6. Receives local funding from a recognized Nebraska city, village, township, or county.
  7. Submitted the most recent annual Public Libraries Survey (Bibliostat) and Supplemental Survey.
  8. Has paid library staff present during all scheduled hours the library is open; these staff are compensated following all appropriate statutes.
  9. Director has an e-mail address which is used and checked regularly for library business.
  10. Makes its basic services available without charge to all residents that supply its tax support, per state statute. These basic services include, but are not limited to, free loan of circulating print and nonprint materials, and general reference and information services.
  11. Provides access to the Internet at no charge to all users.
  12. Makes an annual report to the governing body of local government and to the public, per state statute.