Libraries and Transliteracy This blog is a group effort to share
information about the all literacies (digital literacy, media literacy,
information literacy, visual literacy, 21st century literacies,
transliteracies and more) with special focus on all libraries.
This topic is important to all types of libraries so we have authors from
public, university, college and school libraries for a broad perspective.
BTOP Grant Executive Summary Communities throughout Nebraska face a
significant gap in access to adequate broadband Internet and computer
services. For example, a large number of low income citizens cannot afford
home broadband adoption and a high population of senior citizens does not
understand the importance of these technologies. This lack of reliable
Internet and computer access prevents these people and others from
benefitting from valuable job search and job skills training, educational
opportunities, crucial e-government information and high-quality health
Checking out the Future In the 21st century, the digital revolution
shows no signs of slowing. To remain relevant, any institution, including
one as established as libraries, must evaluate its place in a world
increasingly lived online. The good news is that many library professionals
recognize this need and are driving adaptations designed to ensure that
libraries remain an integral part of our society's commitment to education,
equity, and access to information.
Museums, Libraries, and 21st Century Skills the following pages
outline a vision for the role of libraries and museums in the national
dialogue around learning and 21st century skills; this report also includes
case studies of innovative audience engagement and 21st century skills
practices from across the country.
Opportunity for All: How the American Public Benefits from Internet Access
at U.S. Libraries. This study provides the first large-scale
investigation of the ways library patrons use this service, why they use it,
and how it affects their lives. A national telephone survey, nearly 45,000
online surveys at public libraries, and hundreds of interviews reveal the
central role modern libraries play in a digital society.
There's an App for That! The adoption of mobile technology alters the
traditional relationships between libraries and their users and introduces
novel challenges to reader privacy. At the same time, the proliferation of
mobile devices and services raises issues of access to information in the
digital age, including content ownership and licensing, digital rights
management, and accessibility. This policy brief explores some of these
issues, and is intended to stimulate further community discussion and policy
American Library Association is the oldest and largest library
association in the world, with more than 65,000 members. Its mission is to
promote the highest quality library and information services and public
access to information. ALA offers professional services and publications to
members and nonmembers, including online news stories.
Institute of Museum and Library Services mission is to create strong
libraries and museums that connect people to information and ideas.
Nebraska Memories Nebraska Memories is a cooperative project to
digitize Nebraska-related historical and cultural heritage materials and
make them available to researchers of all ages via the Internet. Nebraska
Memories is brought to you by the Nebraska Library Commission.
The Nebraska Memories database houses digital collections created by
Nebraska libraries and cultural heritage institutions such as museums and
historical societies. Primary source materials such as manuscripts, diaries,
photographs, sheet music, maps and oral histories are being targeted for
History of the Nebraska Library Commission and Nebraska Libraries
The Nebraska Public Library Commission was established by an act of the
Legislature on March 27, 1901, and the office of the Commission was opened
in the State Capitol on November 11 of that year. The Commission was charged
to "encourage the establishment of libraries where none existed and the
improvement of those already established."
Nebraska has a long tradition of library service, beginning with military
post libraries, continuing with literary society libraries founded during
Territorial times, women's club libraries, Carnegie libraries, college and
school libraries, and the modern libraries of today. The Nebraska Library
Commission Archives, houses materials about the history and operations of
the Nebraska libraries it has served since the agency's creation in 1901.
The collection includes Commission biennial and annual reports, newsletters,
documents, photographs and artifacts.
WebJunction is an online community where library staff meet to share
ideas, solve problems, take online courses - and have fun.
Geek the Library is an online community that hopes to inspire a
conversation about our incredible public libraries and their urgent need for
increased support. We hope you tell people what you geek, how the public
library supports you and your community, and that everyone in your community
benefits from the services your local library provides.
Library Training and Events Calendar the place to find out what programs or
workshops are being offered in Nebraska libraries or library organizations.