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Meeting Minutes

June 9, 2000
College of Technical Agriculture - Curtis, Nebraska

Council Minutes

State Advisory Council Members Present: John Dale, Steve Davis, Karen Drevo, Stan Gardner, Jeff Gilderson-Duwe, Mo Khamouna, Michael LaCroix, Mary Nash, Ken Oyer, Jeanne Saathoff, Tom Schmitz, Ruth Seward, Kathy Tooker, Richard Voeltz.

Nebraska Library Commission Members Present: Kristen Rogge, Wally Seiler, and Karen Warner.

Nebraska Library Commission Staff Present: Nancy Busch, Richard Miller, Sally Snyder, Rod Wagner.

Guest: Dee Yost

Welcome and Introductions

Mo Khamouna and Professor Jerry Sundquist, Registrar, welcomed all to Curtis and the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture.

Michael LaCroix, Council Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Thanks were exended to Mo Khamouna for his hospitality. Introductions of those present followed.


Richard Voeltz moved, and Mo Khamouna seconded, approval of the agenda as amended. The motion carried.


It was noted the March minutes do not state where the meeting was held. An amendment to add the site and city to the heading of the minutes was recommended. Richard Voeltz moved, and Ken Oyer seconded, the minutes be approved as amended. The motion carried.


Lunch will be served at the campus cafeteria. The Library will be open during lunch for any who wish to visit.

Republican Valley Library System - Dee Yost, Administrator

Dee Yost, RVLS administrator. A folder of information was distributed to each Council and Commission member present.

The system has 47 public libraries, 5 post-secondary colleges, 67 school districts, and 3 special libraries (Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Library, Hastings Regional Center, and Hastings Correctional Center). The system is in two time zones. Over half the public libraries are in towns with a population less than 1,000. One main problem is librarians are isolated from others in their field. The System tries to assist with this issue through training and meetings

The RVLS will be involved in customer service workshops funded through the new state continuing education grant program. Two workshops will be given; one will be given by Linda Milleman, from the Denver, CO, Tattered Cover Book Store. The second will be presented by two public librarians from Ohio. The RVLS will also be involved in a grant project funded by the Library Commission to all library systems. Colorado based consultant Pat Wagner will provide the training. In addition, an LSTA grant awarded by the Library Commission will provide funds for Imperial and Hastings public libraries to purchase Spanish language materials. RVLS is a partner in this project.

The system now has a Web page thanks to Dee's assistant, Susan Franklin. The RVLS publishes a newsletter, Valley Talk, and has a listserv for libraries in the region. The services of the system are listed in the brochure - large print books, books on tape, and story kits are very popular services. Weed of the month club is also heavily used, the system staff downloads it and sends to all members signed up for the program.

The regional library systems will present an NLA-NEMA pre-conference program on professional ethics led by Foxie Mason.

Four applications were received for the RVLS administrator position. Interviews have begun. The position requires a Masters degree and experience. They hope to have a candidate to hire within the next month.

Karen Warner observed that with the library systems, librarians are no longer isolated. Systems have also helped librarians improve services and skills.

Rod Wagner thanked Dee for the work she has done over the last eleven years as RVLS administrator. She has worked hard and very professionally on behalf of all libraries in the system. A Certificate of Appreciation was presented.

Reports - Commission Staff and Council Members

Communities and Libraries Advocacy

Richard Miller noted that he and Maggie Harding are working on this second year of the program. The Library Commission and the Library Association received a grant from the Viburnum Foundation via Libraries for the Future.

Last year the project provided training and assistance to South Sioux City, Bellevue and a number of other Nebraska libraries. Two workshops were held that were staffed by Commission members as well as advocacy mentors from the Libraries for the Future. This time a proposal was made, and a more detailed plan must be submitted to Libraries for the Future by June 15.

The preliminary idea is to provide workshops that will relate to trustees, make them think more about what libraries should be doing in their community. Jeanne Saathoff asked that advisory boards be remembered as work on this continues. Not all public libraries have governing boards.

Gates Library Foundation, Phase 4 states

Rod Wagner reported that Nebraska is part of the Gates Library Initiative Phase 4 states, the final group of states. State library agency representatives must attend a September workshop in Seattle. The state plan is due by the end of November. The application will be prepared and submitted by the state library agency with representation from public libraries. The workshop will assist states in preparing the application and cover all phases of the project. It will be 2002-2003 before actual installation of equipment etc. in libraries.

Criteria for libraries to participate will be researched. Other state plans will be reviewed. We will identify and ask people to assist in developing the plan, and will look at ways to leverage this project with other things that are occurring. This project will provide technology training for public library staff. Other states have said the training is excellent.

LSTA Reauthorization

Rod mentioned that there are various organization representatives working on strategies and goals for LSTA reauthorization (COSLA, ALA, Urban Libraries Council, Association of Research Libraries, etc.). The current law expires in 2002. There are many who believe that the reauthorization should happen earlier than 2002 for smooth continuation of program.

The strategy emerging is that the LSTA is fine, but a significant increase in funding is needed. LSTA was passed in a year where several other programs were folded into it, but no additional funding was appropriated. The target is to raise the national funding level; one idea is to seek a $1 per capita funding level. Nebraska would go up to $1.65 million; we currently receive a little over $1 million annually. LSTA is allocated on a formula basis. It appears that the federal FY 2001 funding will be about the same as this year. Further details will be available by the September Council meeting.

Grant Funding


Richard Miller reported on grant recipients. There were 29 LSTA grants made totaling about $288,000. All but two applications were for technology projects. Sally Snyder and Richard will be working on the process for next time around. We hope libraries will be able to apply through the web page next year.

Youth Service Grants

Grants were awarded to twelve libraries for a total of $15,000.

Continuing Education Grants

Continuing education grants of over $43,000 were awarded to 17 libraries. Continuing education grants are a result of the additional state funding acquired from the Legislature last year.

Children's Resource Page

Sally mentioned that Mary Jackson, herself and the NLC Network Services team have been working hard at developing links to resources over the last several months. A listing of the current links on the Children's Resource Page was included in the mailing to Council members. Sally explained the linkages and invited Council members to let the Commission know of other links that should be included. The next step will be to put up Nebraska specific information, the links to other resources was the first step. Ruth Seward said be sure to thank Mary for doing this project. Michael LaCroix stated that this might be a way we can promote our interest in children and youth with the Governor. Thanks to Allana Novotny and all who worked on this page. Nancy asked for an update on "Libraries of Promise," and Richard noted that a brochure is in the draft stage.


Michael LaCroix asked Rod to bring the Council up to date on the NebrasKard. Rod stated that a meeting was convened to talk about NebrasKard, and information from that meeting was shared with the Council. A follow-up meeting has been scheduled for June 21 in Hastings. An ad hoc NebrasKard committee has been formed to develop recommendations for policies and procedures. The committee will meet on June 21 to begin to develop guidelines, timetables, etc. The intent is to present recommendations for a NebrasKard program at the Library Commissioners meeting on July 14. Rod asked if Council members have ideas they would like to share, leading up to the June 21st meeting. Regarding registering the name "NebrasKard" - the process has been initiated with the Secretary Of State's office.

Karen Drevo - suggested, that if there will be a statewide card, have a design contest. In regard to policies and procedure concerns, Mary Nash said, "Let common sense prevail." Richard Miller expressed his concern that we not make up a lot of rules that address the exceptional person that will misuse the system. Wally Seiler stated that we should not worry about those libraries that choose not to participate. Stan suggested that we use the academic NE reciprocal borrowing agreement that has been in operation for a number of years. Michael noted that, coming from Pennsylvania, there were libraries that chose not to participate; and some came in later. He noted that Pennsylvania has now added a "stick" - "If you want to receive state aid, you will participate."

Stan asked if NLC has mentioned to the Legislature that we would not do this without significant additional funding? Rod answered that has been our position in the past few years, and we will have to be prepared to answer that question should it come up. Jeff Gilderson-Duwe stated that we could call it a "pilot project."

It was suggested that Governor Johanns should get card #1; and all members of the Legislature should get cards on Legislative Day. Kathy Tooker mentioned that at the NLA Legislative Committee meeting, they have decided they want to have pictures of Legislators on posters, shown reading, etc.

A motion was made that the Chair of the Advisory Council write a letter in support of the NebrasKard. The motion was approved unanimously.

Nebraska Information Technology Commission

Jeanne Saathoff reported on the NITC Community Council; she passed out copies of (June 1, 2000). The Community Council is looking for examples from communities to share with others. Jeanne mentioned that at their last meeting they talked about the Telehealth Study; community training (assessing what is going on in Nebraska communities). They also passed out a community information assessment report card . For many communities, Internet access is still dial-up. The Community Council has been assigned to study the library component of this issue.

Rod Wagner added that the NITC State Government Council recently reviewed grant applications for state project funding. He noted a lack of good applications from state agencies, and an opportunity to seek project funding from this new grant source. The State Records Board (which John Dale serves on) appears to have been ignored. John says at its most recent meeting, they paid attention to the most recent round of grants. He noted that the NLC did qualify and was given a grant. Nancy Busch stated that NLC received a $7,000 grant for equipment that allows the digitization of microfilm images for electronic transmission. Jeanne mentioned the top three Community Council grant applications were from libraries, but not all were funded. Rod asked if they could be resubmitted. They can. Nancy stated that we need a "Grants" site to link to these other sources of funds.


Michael called the group back to order.

GPO and Depository Library Program

Michael LaCroix mentioned that he wrote to Senators Hagel and Kerrey and his Representative Terry about planned cuts to the GPO program, which would essentially eliminate the depository library program.

Sen. Hagel's office indicated that the Senator is opposed to funding cuts for the GPO. Michael suggested that individuals might write to Senator Hagel's office thanking him for his support of the GPO program. He asked that there be a resolution to the Nebraska Congressional delegation from the Advisory Council.

A motion was made opposing funding cuts for the GPO. Ken Oyer suggested that all names be included; append the Council list. The motion was approved.

Jeff Gilderson-Duwe stated the need to address the issue of "It's all on the Internet" - in the letter and note the differences the GPO depository program has made for smaller public libraries.

Libraries for the 21st Century

Nancy Busch distributed a 2001-2003 biennial budget and long-range plan timeline and agenda. Nancy summarized the budget request preparation process. A companion piece to the budget request is submission of an agency technology plan; this is due by July 1st. The technology plan will be placed on the Library Commission website. Issues and strategies will be presented at the July 14th Library Commission meeting. It is a challenge to project items for a budget beginning July 1, 2001, when the second year of the current biennium has not yet begun.

In January, the Governor will present his budget recommendations. By April, there should be some indication of the Appropriations Committee's budget recommendations to the Legislature. By June, we will then know what we have to work with. Mary Nash asked how much flexibility does the NLC have to redirect the budget when things change? Nancy stated that there are two major budget areas; one is agency operations, the other category is state aid, which includes grants and distribution of aid funds to local subdivisions. Within the aid category, state monies are used for continuing education grants; aid to public libraries; online database licensing; interlibrary loan compensation, and funding for regional library systems. The Commission has some flexibility within each category. However, aid funds cannot be used for operating expenses and operating funds cannot be used for aid purposes.

The group broke to visit the library, then move on to lunch in the college cafeteria.

The meeting resumed at 1:09 p.m.

Council Round Table - SACL members

Ken Oyer - announced that his staff is being reduced by 1/3. ICON pursued a $40K grant for consumer health and received it. ICON is looking at what resources are available in the 7-county Eastern Library System area - all public libraries except one plan to participate. The project will also provide mini-grants to "bootstrap" libraries up to where they can use the resources.

Karen Drevo - said that 1300 have signed up for the summer reading program; expects 1400 by the time they are through. The Norfolk library does not limit to any age; adults sign up also. Karen has served on the Cooperative Summer Reading Program group for the last several years. Norfolk P.L. Foundation is involved in a fund-raising project which she hopes will succeed - because the future funding of the Literature Festival is somewhat tenuous.

Karen is on the Region 4 Board of the Parent-to-Parent Network - a support network for parents who have children with learning disabilities and behavioral difficulties. Karen thought we could do something through all our public libraries. Nancy asked Sally to link their national web site to our Children's Resources page.

Tom Schmitz - reported that he is chair of the NLA Special and Institutional Library Section. The section is bringing in a speaker from Texas for its pre-conference to talk about benchmarking.

Wally Seiler - Serves on the Alliance P.L. Board. Alliance Library is trying to get everyone to understand the importance of reading; one way is by giving a book to every newborn.

Mo Khamouna - Spoke about the new system in the college's library. There were some complications with installation of networked computers for e-mail purposes. Mo hopes the project will be finished by the end of June. He spoke about the presentation he made to the faculty to show them how they compare with other, similar sized colleges. They were shocked.

Stan Gardner - working on a compilation of large print volumes held in northeast Nebraska libraries. Stan passed around a partial list. His intent is to let libraries in northeast Nebraska know which titles are available. A similar project is under consideration for audio books (either on cassette or CD's). Last week the Northeast Library System Summer Institute met for the 17th year straight at Wayne State. The college is looking at a master plan for campus landscaping. The willow trees are being removed from "Willow Bowl" because they have been declared unsafe and new trees will be planted. Staff has weeded thousands of books from the library collection and from donated gift books. Starting September 15th, and for two weeks, a huge book sale will be held by the library's foundation. Also, they are redoing portions of the Conspectus database over the next year since a number of faculty members did not take it seriously the first time around.

The library purchased Accu-Cut dies and provide this service to area libraries. They have also purchased a multiple CD burner. Stan has obtained approval of his administration to expand the CARDS program to schools across the state which do not have libraries or media specialists.

Karen Warner - The Norfolk Public Library Foundation will be hold a fundraiser dinner on September 22, which will feature Mark Twain (Wally Seiler). Also, a kid's fair will be held on the grounds of the Norfolk Public Library. Karen had a wonderful time working with Bob Trautwein, Deb Robertson and Ted Smith as they worked on the consortium grant application and is looking forward to seeing the project reach fruition. It will be easy for other libraries to join in the consortium.

John Dale - showed plans for the two new Lincoln branch libraries. The libraries are designed with the intent of their "explaining themselves" after a person walks in. Local children made tiles that will be placed on the front of the circulation desks. Each building will be about 30,000 feet. The libraries will be located at 15th and Superior - Eisley Branch; the other at South 14th Street adjacent to the YMCA. Construction has begun on one branch. Some research was done on drive-up windows and they have opted not to do these. Everyone is happy because the bids came in under estimate.

Michael LeCroix - Library is putting up new Sirsi system ahead of time and under budget. Credit for this goes to the staff of all three Creighton University libraries. The new Creighton University President begins August 1. The new library entry system is friendlier to disabled users. The Pharmacy school is requiring all students to have a laptop next fall. A new area under the parking lot is being built as a computer lab/room. The library has had an exceptional number of retirements this year. The library has purchased two flat screen monitors for the circulation desk. Flat screen monitors are catching attention.

Jeff Gilderson-Duwe - the Holdrege Public Library received a NITC grant to install a web server with Follett Web Collection Plus. The library's catalog is now accessible via the Internet. Internet access was offered to the city office and city government on the library's T-1 line. The library is facing a reduction in force due to declining revenue from regional interlibrary loan support services. The Summer Reading Program is underway. The library friends group purchased a new sod lawn, and an exterior sign for placing messages.

Kathy Lute - Sally reported for Kathy. The Great American Road Race will be in Ogallala on June 20 and one of the cars and drivers are high school kids from Kearney. ESPN and the History Channel will be in Ogallala for filming. The city is up for a $500 hospitality award, which they have previously won. The Library will be decorated for this event, and a booksale will be held on the 20th.

Sally - stated that Maria wanted everyone to know that Sept 15 - Oct 15 is National Hispanic Month.

Mary Nash - A new reference librarian has been hired at the Creighton University Alumni Memorial Library. NLA: Spring meetings were held and were excellent, see NLAQ for the full report. The Tri-conference (NLA, NEMA, MPLA) is rolling along. There will be five programs in each time slot. A reception is scheduled to be held at the Joslyn Art Museum. Jeanne Saathoff is the NLA local arrangements coordinator for the Kearney 2001 annual conference. By the July board meeting, should have a signed contract for Lincoln in 2002. Jeanne is also working on nominations for a slate of candidates for next year. The NLA Legislative committee had a wrap-up meeting. Posters of state senators reading their favorite books are being considered. John Bernardi, editor of the NLAQ, was approached by H.W. Wilson to put the full text of the NLA Quarterly online

Ruth Seward - Expressed her gratitude to the Library Commission for a Children's Excellence grant for Hispanic children's materials, the CE grant to attend the REFORMA conference in Tucson in August, and an LSTA grant for updating hardware for circulation and searching stations. Ruth also reported that she has received notification of E-rate funding approval for this year.

Lexington's Bridging the Technology project had their last session with school kids and handed out an evaluation of what the kids and teacher thought of the project. The teachers have met with Ruth to discuss the results. The teacher was very pleased with her classes' progress. They want to come the whole year next year. It was a thrill to see 24 kids with no computer knowledge at the beginning; by the end, they needed very little help and showed great progress. Jane Moody, with Lexington Public Schools, requested to have 5 classes of 15 students come to the library during summer school. Preschool - 2nd grade. The instructor called and they have 220 kids participating, 4 classes will be coming 5 days a week. Each class will be there for 20 minutes in the morning, one after the other. These are kids whose parents rarely bring them to the library. Some are English speaking and some have English as second language.

Kathy Tooker - the Eastern Library System held its annual meeting on June 7; 60 people attended the full day of continuing education events at Midland Lutheran College in Fremont. The System now has 6 Bi-Focal kits for member usage. The kits must be used by a program sponsored by a library, there is no charge. Board member Tom Tollman resigned and is moving to Minnesota. Becky Pasco is a new board member. The system purchased a Rocket eBbook to lend to libraries for demonstration use.

Jeanne Saathoff -- The Kearney public library staff is working on technology enhancements to their automated system. They hope to have their webpac up by the end of the fiscal year. In addition to a children's summer reading program, they are having an adult summer reading program this year. Eleven new computers were purchased for the lab with a NITC grant. One day last month 81 people were in the technology lab. Budget work is underway, a $90,000 replacement of the library building cooling system is needed this year. One terminal in the library is used to build awareness of the Internet. An LSTA grant was received to automate the Bookmobile. Bookmobile circulation has gone down slightly so this should boost use.

Richard Voeltz - The UNL Engineering librarian has retired. Library materials are being stored off campus. Renovation of Love Library is pretty much on schedule, windows will now be included. The elevator shaft and the penthouse are completed. UNL will have a new e-mail system soon. Training and software installation will be held during the next month. Biological science journals are to be evaluated to determine what will be bound.

Due to a roof leak, water soaked one section and was not discovered immediately. Some 85 or so books were soaked, 21 books were beyond recovery. Richard had been to a workshop on material recovery the week before. Book repair is on schedule for this summer. Plastic over the stacks likely to be affected prior to repair.

Steve Davis - The Evaluating School Media Centers book published by NEMA will be published nationally by Libraries Unlimited, and will be available this fall. NEMA is attempting to get a media support person in the State Department of Education. Steve is the liaison to the American Association of Education and Communication and Technology, a national organization. The AECT conference will join the school board association national conference and is at the same time as Tri-conference this year. Kearney added a ½ time media specialist. Each elementary school will now have a ½ time media specialist. Two new people have been hired for these positions.

Kristin Rogge - Boni Hathaway, Auburn, is retiring and the library board has now hired a replacement.

Policy Study for Library Media Programs in Nebraska

Rod Wagner mentioned the Nebraska Department of Education will sponsor a policy study for library media programs over the next year. The study will be done in three phases. The study committee plans to collect data, determine roles, and develop policy recommendations. Richard Miller will be the Library Commission's representative on the study group.

Functions and Roles of State Library Agencies

Rod mentioned that a new publication, Functions and Roles of State Library Agencies, will be available at the ALA annual conference in July. This new publication will replace the outdated standards for state library agencies.


Libraries the Internet and Censorship

Rod mentioned that last year there was interest in putting together materials on this subject for distribution to libraries. That was not done because the American Library Association was compiling a packet of information for that same purpose. Several months ago, the ALA made available its toolkit on the Internet and censorship. An information sheet concerning the toolkit was distributed at the meeting.

Many thanks to Mo for hospitality.

Next meeting: Sept 22 in Sidney.

Adjournment Meeting adjourned 2:38 p.m

For more information, contact Sue Biltoft.