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2024-2025 Continuing Education and Training Grants

Library Training Projects

Application directions

Nebraska Library Commission
Continuing Education (CE)
Grant Application Form

9. If awarded a grant I would be willing, if asked, to make a presentation at a state or system event or via teleconference.

Yes      No

Nebraska Library Commission CE Program

Describe each expenditure below. round figures to the nearest whole dollar amount
Contracted Services
Library Materials
Personnel Costs
Program Materials-Supplies
Estimated Total Project Budget
Amount being requested as a grant from the Library Commission:
The local match must be at least 25% of the grant amount requested from the Library Commission above. The local match must include at least 10% of the grant amount requested as cash.

Cash (must total at least 10% of the grant amount requested above.)

Other Local Match (in-kind)
Total local expenditures (match)  (at least 25% of the grant amount requested above.):
In the (expandable) boxes below, describe each of the expenditures listed in the Proposed Project Budget above, including both grant and local funds.  List items that will be purchased and include detailed specifications.  Explain what they will be used for and why they are necessary to the success of the project.  If you have specifications sheets, or catalog entries, please reference them here and send copies via mail or e-mail to Holli Duggan.

Please print, sign, and send the signature page.

The signature page and print support materials (catalog page or computer printout displaying item intended for purchase, list of books and/or materials for purchase, estimates from suppliers, letters from project partners, etc.) may be submitted during the week following the due date.

Holli Duggan
Nebraska Library Commission
The Atrium
1200 N Street, Suite 120
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508-2023

Phone: 800-307-2665 or 402-471-2694    
Email: Holli Duggan

For more information, contact Holli Duggan.