Highlights . . .

Data, Infographics, and Maps

Why is rural broadband important?

Want a nice little handout to start a conversation about broadband in your community? Here are some resources:

  • FY2021 Nebraska Public Library Survey Data related to technology - Excel (.xls) file. The full data file is located here.
  • County Fact Sheets and Broadband Discussion Guide (Data and talking  points about broadband availability, adoption, and digital inclusion in your county).
  • Our Broadband Fact Sheets Map has the same data (click on a county for each fact sheet).
  • The NLC Broadband Map (FY2021 data - click on a marker for more information about the  library, such as their reported speed, ISP, etc.) contains public library survey data related to technology and internet.
  • The FCC publishes an interactive online map, based on reported data. The map allows you to see a list of providers in a particular location, and to obtain summary data about those particular locations. The resource also allows you to compare different areas.