Nebraska Library Commission - Minutes
Nebraska Library Commission
May 13, 1994
The Nebraska Library Commission held a regular meeting on
Friday, May 13, 1994 at 9:30 a.m. at the Nebraska Library Commission, The
Atrium, 1200 N Street, Suite 120, Lincoln, Nebraska. Notice of the Meeting
was submitted to local newspapers (Lincoln Journal-Star, Omaha
World-Herald), and posted on Nebraska Online.
Chairman Ron Norman called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
Members present: Ron Norman, Dr. Robert McPherson, Marge Curtiss, Myrna
Vollbrecht and Thomas Harvey. Jean Sanders was absent.
Staff Present: Rod Wagner, Nancy Busch, Jim Minges, Elaine
Miller. Others present: Kate Marek.
Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Dr. Robert McPherson
and seconded by Marge Curtiss to approve the agenda with the addition of
setting meeting dates for the September and November, 1994 Nebraska Library
Commission meetings. Motion carried on roll call vote: McPherson-aye;
Norman-aye; Sanders-absent; Vollbrecht-aye; Curtiss-aye.
Meeting dates were set for the September and November,
1994 Nebraska Library Commission meetings; September 9, 1994 and November
4, 1994.
Approval of minutes of March 11, 1994: It was moved by
Marge Curtiss and seconded by Tom Harvey to approve the minutes of March
11, 1994. Motion carried on roll call vote: McPherson-aye; Harvey-aye;
Norman-aye; Sanders-absent; Vollbrecht-aye; Curtiss-aye.
Recognition of guests. The Chairman asked that if anyone
wished to address the board to do so at this time. Rod Wagner informed
the Commissioners that Kate Marek, Southeast Library System Administrator,
is scheduled to be a guest columnist for the Lincoln Journal-Star
in July and September, 1994.
Time was then allowed for Commissioners to discuss informally
any items of interest.
No correspondence or communications were noted.
Ron Norman reported that the Internet is being talked and
written about everywhere: Nebraska Public Radio; Sunday Denver Post
is advertising seminars to learn about the Internet; The Rotary Magazine
has an article entitled "On the Internet All Roads Lead To Communities
of the Mind "; and The New Yorker Magazine has an article entitled
"Discards ".
Telecommunications and Networking Initiatives: The Library
Commission has been working with other state agencies: i.e., the Secretary
of State 's Office, the Department of Economic Development, the State Courts
Administration, the Department of Administrative Services, Central Data
Processing, to provide information for the public on Nebraska Online. A
private service provider is being considered to provide the capital and
services to convert paper records so they will be accessible in electronic
form. A fee would then be charged for accessing these records.
The Nebraska Library Commission has installed its own
Internet connection with a dedicated line for Internet access that was
arranged through the State Division of Communications. Nebraska Online
is now linked to the Internet.
Currently, there are some federal government information
resources that the Commission receives in CD-ROM format. The federal government
is increasingly making federal information available via the Internet.
The Planning and Evaluation Institute in Cincinnati
was attended by a seven member group from Nebraska. Three of the seven
member group were from the Library Commission. Nancy Busch reported on
the Institute. The focus of the Institute was on how to evaluate electronic
network services such as Nebraska Online, use of the Internet, and reports
on systems other states have similar to Nebraska Online. Eleven states
were involved in the Institute. (Attachment I.)
The Library Commission is one of several agencies involved
in a Corporation for a Public Broadcasting grant. The lead agency for the
grant is Nebraska Educational Telecommunications. There were 12 grants
given nationally and 2 grants were received by Nebraska including the Omaha
Freenet Project. Senator Kerrey is sponsoring a seminar May 21, 1994 on
technology and education. (Attachment II.)
Federal and State Legislative Issues: Rod Wagner attended
National Legislative Day in Washington D.C. on April 19. A primary concern
for the Commission is the possible loss of LSCA Title II. The Commission
currently receives $180,000 annually in Title II funds. These funds have
been used for helping libraries in both construction and technology.
Staffing: Dick Allen has retired from the Nebraska Library
Commission. The Online Services Librarian position has been filled with
the appointment of Annie Sternberg. Annie will begin working at the Library
Commission on July 1, 1994. Candidates will be interviewed for the Network
Services Director 's position. On June 11, the graduation ceremony will
be held for the Nebraska Master 's in Library Science program from Emporia
State University, including Library Commission staff members.
Continuous Library Improvement Program: The first workshops
for this program begin May 24 At Gering Public Library. Further workshops
will be held in Kearney, Lincoln, and Wayne in the ten days following the
workshop at Gering.
The Nebraska Library Association - Nebraska Educational
Media Association Annual Conference will be held in Omaha at the Holiday
Inn Central on October 27 and 28. Peter Young, Executive Director of
the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science will be the
keynote speaker. Hardy Franklin, President of the American Library Association,
will be the speaker for the Library Commission 's Leadership Development
Series on Friday of the conference.
The Children 's Book Review via satellite begins May 13,
1994, and concludes May 20, 1994. Pat Clark, volunteer for the Library
Commission for several years, will be leaving the Commission after the
book reviews. The reviews will be viewed by librarians in Idaho, Pennsylvania,
and North Carolina.
March - April, 1994 Expenditure/Financial Reports: Commissioners
received and reviewed the March-April, 1994 Expenditure and Financial Reports.
(Attachments III and IV).
Audit Report: The audit report was mailed previously to
the commissioners for review.
There was no unfinished business.
Status of Long Range Goals and Objectives: A major weeding
of federal documents is in progress, with the hope of gaining some space
on the second floor. (See attachment V.)
1993/94 Agency Contracts: Current year contracts were
reviewed, with a correction for the Library System services. The correct
figure is $599,000 annual for system contract payments. (Attachment VI.)
1993/94 Grant Projects: Library Services and Construction
Act (LSCA) Grants. A provision under Title I of LSCA that urban resource
libraries, city 's of over 100,000, are eligible to receive a portion of
the Title I monies with that amount being $44,847. This money is distributed
between Omaha and Lincoln in proportion to each city 's population. Omaha
and Lincoln have most recently used these monies to purchase the equipment
to install Internet connections. Seventeen grants have been issued to State
Institutional Libraries. The Institutional libraries used these funds to
buy library materials for the residents of these institutions. (Attachment
State Aid Allocations for 1994/95: It was moved by Dr.
Robert McPherson and seconded by Myrna Vollbrecht that the State Aid
Summary and Recommendations for 1994/95 be approved. Motion carried on
roll call vote: McPherson-aye; Harvey-aye; Norman-aye; Sanders-absent;
Vollbrecht-aye; Curtiss-aye. (Attachment VIII.)
Biennium Budget Request Planning and Schedule: Commissioners
received and reviewed the Agenda and Timeline for the Nebraska Library
Commission Fiscal Year 95-97 Biennial Budget and Long Range Planning
(Attachment IX.) Nancy Busch reported that the United States Department
of Education has requested a different time frame for submitting the Long
Range Plan from this fall to this summer.
The Biennium Budget Request is due September 15, 1995.
Out-of-State Travel Requests: It was moved by Myrna Vollbrecht
and seconded by Tom Harvey to approve the out-of-state travel requests
for Rod Wagner to attend the OCLC Regional Network Directors meeting in
Dublin, Ohio, from May 24 - 26, 1994 and the American Library Association
Conference and COSLA committee and business meetings from June 23 - 28,
1994. Motion carried on roll call vote: McPherson-aye; Harvey-aye; Norman-aye;
Sanders-absent; Vollbrecht-aye; Curtiss-aye.
It was moved by Dr. Robert McPherson and seconded by Myrna
Vollbrecht to adjourn the meeting at 11:45 a.m. Motion carried on roll
call vote: McPherson-aye; Harvey-aye; Norman-aye; Sanders-absent;
Elaine Miller, Secretary