E-rate Discounts for Nebraska's Public Libraries
Service Fund)
About the E-rate program
Forms required for E-rate participation
Form 472 - Billed Entity Applicant Reimbursement (BEAR) Form - to receive
reimbursement after you have paid your bill. Submitted by applicant.
How to File FCC Form 472 (BEAR) in EPC - with video tutorials
Form 498 - Service Provider And Billed
Entity Identification Number and Contact Information Form -
to submit banking information to USAC for BEAR Direct Payments
Form 474 - Service Provider Invoice (SPI) - to receive the discount on your
bill. Submitted by service provider.
Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
& Filtering
Funding Recipients
Technology Plans
As of Funding Year 2015, Technology Plans are no longer required
for E-rate. This information is still provided for previous years,
and anyone needing a Technology Plan for other purposes.
Technology Planning