Public Information and Communication
March 20, 2002
Mary Jo Ryan
Nebraska Young
People Write to Influential Authors
On March 20, Governor Mike Johanns
signed a proclamation declaring April 14-20 as National Library Week in
Nebraska. National Library Week is celebrated this year with recognition of the
"Letters About Literature" State Award Winners. Five young writers were honored
for their letters to authors, living or dead, describing how the authors' books
or stories changed their way of viewing the world. The winners are:
Grades Eight to Twelve:
Ben Keele, Hastings, Winner
Margaret Fairchild, Lincoln, Alternate
Joel Mougey, North Platte, Honorable Mention
Grades Four to Seven:
Elizabeth McKim, Humboldt, Winner
Laura Thames, Humboldt, Alternate
The Nebraska Center for the Book, as an affiliate of the Center for the Book
in the Library of Congress, and the Weekly Reader Corporation sponsored the
statewide contest last fall. The judges were Mel Krutz, Evelyn Haller, Fran
Reinehr, and Mary Ann Satterfield. The winners' cash prizes of $100 came from
the Weekly Reader Corporation while the alternates received $50 contributed by
Nebraska's Houchen Bindery. All winners also received gift certificates from Lee
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